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Smarter Data program

Our people in the Smarter Data program work with one of the largest data collections in the Australian Government.

Last updated 23 October 2023

Join the Smarter Data program

Our people in the Smarter Data program work with one of the largest data collections in the Australian Government. Our data is a critical asset. It presents complex challenges for how we manage and use it for the benefit of staff, clients, and partner agencies.

The data and analytics capability is critical to deliver efficient and effective services.

Our challenge is to see the potential in data and convert it into breakthrough insights and actions that deliver real value, tailored to the diverse needs of the Australian community.

Join the Smarter Data Program and experience work you can’t do anywhere else. This may include:

  • using analytics to improve interactions with taxpayers
  • developing self-service analytics that enable leaders and analysts to better understand performance outcomes
  • leveraging data to provide valuable analysis and insights
  • applying the latest techniques in AI, machine learning, automation, statistical modelling, econometrics, graph analytics, behavioural analytics, and visualisation
  • designing the system around verifiable data and managing data through its lifecycle, from creation, to discovery, to matching
  • managing external strategic data relationships and providing advice on governance, ethics, and best practice.

Data Scientist

Data scientists use in-depth knowledge of data mining and modelling techniques, programming skills and business knowledge. This supports the development, delivery and analysis of large-scale strategic initiatives in support of the government and community.

As a Data Scientist, you'll:

  • clean, transform and combine datasets, using statistical, machine-learning and related methods to discover patterns and trends in data
  • develop classification and prediction models and produce visualisations to communicate findings to business stakeholders
  • use a variety of tools and languages and technical knowledge to analyse and interpret data and results.

Meet Craig, Data Scientist, ATO

Data Analyst

Data Analysts use their experience and understanding of data analysis, modelling techniques and business knowledge to address problems and support data-driven decision making.

As a Data Analyst, you'll:

  • develop complex data analytic solution and provide data and information to support the operation and delivery of business outcomes
  • process, curate, extract, visualise and communicate data from data sets stored across multiple environments
  • communicate highly complex technical information to various audiences
  • use a variety of tools, languages and technical knowledge to analyse and interpret data and results.

Meet Fardeen, Data Analyst, ATO


You can also find out more about what we can offer you and search for jobs on our ATO CareersExternal Link portal.

More information

If you have experience and are interested in working with us, we’d like to hear from you through our job registerExternal Link.

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