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Taxpayer alerts

Learn about Taxpayer alerts which provide our concerns about tax or super risks.

Last updated 10 November 2015

We issue taxpayer alerts to warn you of our concerns about new or emerging higher risk tax or superannuation arrangements or issues that we have under risk assessment. Our aim is to share our concerns early to help you make informed decisions about your tax affairs.

Each taxpayer alert describes an arrangement, our concerns and what we're currently doing about the arrangement. Taxpayer alerts do not provide the ATO view, but will often state if we expect to issue advice or guidance on the arrangement following the taxpayer alert.

If you've entered into or are planning to enter an arrangement similar to an arrangement described in a taxpayer alert, the taxpayer alert provides information on what you should consider doing (for example, seek our view through a private ruling) or who you can contact to talk about your situation.

While a taxpayer alert describes a type of arrangement, it isn't possible to cover every potential variation of the arrangement. The absence of a taxpayer alert on an arrangement or a variation of an arrangement doesn't mean that we accept or endorse the arrangement or variation, or the underlying tax consequences.

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