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Record-keeping help for small businesses

ATO information for small businesses about the help available for setting up and managing your business's records.

Last updated 20 May 2024

Help is available to set up and manage your business's records. Getting help early will save you valuable time and money in the long term.

We run free webinars and workshops, and we also have online information and tools to help you. You can also get advice from registered tax and BAS agents and other organisations.

What to consider

You should consider:

  • whether you'll manage your records yourself, or pay a registered tax or BAS agent, to manage all, or part of it for you
  • what business activities you need to do – for example   
    • reconcile electronic and cash payments
    • issue invoices and pay your own bills
    • pay wages and make superannuation guarantee payments
    • lodge activity statements and tax returns
    • prepare financial accounts, profit and loss statements and balance sheets
  • how often you need to report.


Record keeping – tax basics for small business (duration 5:20)

Help we provide

We offer free record-keeping help:

Using a registered tax or BAS agent

Registered tax or BAS agents (tax professionals) can give you advice and some specialise in helping small businesses.

Even if you use a tax professional, you will probably still need to do some basic record keeping.

If you use a tax professional, ask what record-keeping system you could use that would be compatible with theirs as you may want to consider using the same one if it also suits your needs. You should also ask what services they will provide and charge for. When paying for these services, make sure you understand their fee structure and have agreed which services you will get them to do on your behalf.

You can check if a tax or BAS agent is registered on the Tax Practitioners BoardExternal Link website.

Other record-keeping support

Other service providers can also assist you. Some of these services are free but it's good practice to ask if there's a fee.

Other places you can get help from include:

