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Attribution Corporate Collective Investment Vehicle sub-fund tax return instructions 2023

Instructions to complete the Attribution Corporate Collective Investment Vehicle (CCIV) sub-fund tax return 2023.

Last updated 19 July 2023

Guidance notes to help complete the Attribution CCIV sub-fund tax return.

Find out about Corporate Collective Investment Vehicles (CCIVs) and how tax law applies.

Find out about the unique features of the Attribution CCIV sub-fund tax return.

How to lodge the Attribution CCIV sub-fund tax return and schedules and the payment options available.

Find out what's new before lodging your Attribution CCIV sub-fund tax return.

Get the information and schedules that you may need to send with your Attribution CCIV sub-fund tax return.

Find out about the CCIV sub-fund trust trustee taxation and penalties, and record keeping requirements.

Guidance notes to help complete the Attribution CCIV sub-fund tax return.

For names or technical terms, each abbreviation is spelled out in full the first time it is used.

Supporting publications and phone numbers.
