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Not-for-profit organisations

Tax information for not-for-profit organisations on Norfolk Island.

Last updated 12 March 2017

Not-for-profit (NFP) organisations provide services to the community and do not operate to make a profit. Examples include childcare centres, art centres, neighbourhood associations, and sports clubs.

All profits must go back into the services the organisation provides and must not be distributed to members, even if the organisation winds up.

If you're running an NFP organisation, there may be concessions you can claim but you may need to register your organisation first. Your NFP organisation may also have to register for taxes such as FBT and PAYG withholding, depending on the type of organisation and how it operates.

Use the links below to learn about tax on funding and grants, receiving gifts, and the difference between volunteers and employees.

If you need help, phone our NFP infoline on 1300 130 248.

See also:
