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Tax professionals using myDeductions

How to access and use myDeductions records your clients send you.

Last updated 2 June 2024

Accessing your clients' data

If your client uses the upload feature in the myDeductions tool, you can access their data through the PLS. It will display the same information that is available to them in myTax. Some of their information may be consolidated for pre-filling.

Alternatively, your client can email you a spreadsheet (in CSV format) directly from the tool. This will provide you with the client's unconsolidated income and expenses. However, it will not include photos.

Accessing clients' photos

Follow these steps for your client's device.

To send photos and other data, your client must complete a backup in the ATO app. Once completed, photos and other data will be available in a .zip file which they can send to you. If you only require one or two photos, your client can open the .zip file and send you the individual photos.

Alternatively, your client can take a screenshot of the photo or photos and send them directly to you.

Consolidating myDeductions data

The uploaded data provided to you through the PLS will be the same information available in myTax. The data is available as soon as your client has successfully completed the upload.

While individual records are uploaded, they may be added together so they can be pre-filled within the client's tax return.

To see what records went into each of the deduction labels, ask your client to send you their data, see Share data by email.

Table: How uploaded myDeductions records are pre-filled


How records will be pre-filled

Pre-fill limit

Work-related car expenses

Each vehicle will be listed separately

A calculation method may need to be selected if your client is eligible to use either the logbook or cents per kilometre method

Maximum of 10 vehicles

Work-related travel expenses

Individual expenses rolled up and grouped by sub-type for each vehicle

Display sub-category amount (max. 7)

Display at vehicle level (up to 20, minus number of sub-categories)

Work-related uniform expenses

All items rolled up and grouped by sub-types

Up to 4 entries (sub types)

Work-related self-education expenses

Individual expenses rolled up and grouped by sub-types and vehicles

Up to 3 entries for sub-categories:
– General expenses
– Repair expenses
– Non-deductible expenses (sub-category not available from the 2022–23 financial year)

Display at vehicle level (up to 20, minus number of sub-categories)

Other work-related expenses

If there are 50 or less records, each record is displayed

If there are more than 50 records, roll up and group by sub-type

< 50 records, all records will display

>50, all records are rolled up and displayed at the sub-category level

Gifts or donations

If there are 20 or less records, each record is displayed

If there are more than 20 records, roll up into a single entry

< 20 records, all records will display

>20, all records are rolled up into one. Display one entry

Cost of managing tax affairs

If there are 20 or less records, each record is displayed

If there are more than 20 records, roll up into a single entry

< 20 records, all records will display

>20, all records are rolled up at sub-category level

Interest deductions

If there are 20 or less records, each record is displayed

If there are more than 20 records, roll up into a single entry (only available from 2017–18)

< 20 records, all records will display

>20, all records are rolled up into one. Display one entry

Dividend deductions

If there are 20 or less records, each record is displayed

If there are more than 20 records, roll up into a single entry (only available from 2017–18)

< 20 records, all records will display

>20, all records are rolled up into one. Display 1 entry

Other deductions

If there are 100 or less records, each record is displayed.

If there are more than 100 records, roll up and group by sub-types (only available from 2017–18)

< 100, all records will display

> 100, records rolled up into sub-category level

Up to 4 sub-categories

Election expenses

All election expenses rolled up and consolidated into a single entry. Rolled up from myDeductions expenses type 'Other deductions,' sub-type 'Election expenses' (only available from 2017–18)

Up to one entry

Business income

All income rolled up and consolidated into a single entry (only available from 2017–18)

Up to one entry

Business repairs and maintenance

All expenses rolled up and consolidated into a single entry (only available from 2017–18)

Up to one entry

Business motor vehicle expenses

All expenses and calculated trip values will be rolled up and consolidated into a single entry

Up to one entry

Business all other expenses

All expenses rolled up and consolidated into a single entry

Up to one entry

When your clients use myDeductions

When your clients use myDeductions:

  • they can email you a spreadsheet (CSV format) or complete a backup file of their records with photos and receipts, at any time
  • from 1 July each year, they can upload their records to us and you can access them through the practitioner lodgment service (PLS)
  • you can easily sort through expenses to work out what you can claim.

How we access and use your clients' myDeductions data

myDeductions saves data to your client’s device and doesn't automatically send it to us. We can't see their myDeductions data unless they choose to send it to us.

We will only access or use your client's data when:

  • they choose to upload it – this only includes data from your client’s income, expenses, trips and logbooks, not the photos
  • we need to verify information in their tax return
  • we need it for analytical purposes.

Your clients' record-keeping obligations don't change – they need to keep a copy of their data and any associated evidence, such as photos, to substantiate their claims.

