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What we are consulting about

Details of our open and planned consultation, along with past consultation and current research projects.

Last updated 3 April 2023

The ATO are committed to consulting to improve our administration. We encourage and appreciate your feedback.

We consult with the community, industry groups and the tax, accounting and legal professions, on matters of concern and interest to them.

If you would like to be involved, contact the officer listed for the consultation you are interested in.

If you would like us to consult on a specific issue or topic, see how to raise a matter for consultation.

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See also:

You can participate in our open consultation. We encourage you to have your say.

See details of planned consultation and consultation we're considering.

A summary of consultation closed in the last 3 years.

The ATO encourage you to raise a matter for consultation. This does not include individual, taxpayer-specific issues.
