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ATO corporate plan 2021–22

The ATO corporate plan 2021–22, covering the period 2020–22 to 2024–25.

Last updated 8 August 2021

Commissioner’s foreword

'Our focus on transformation will deliver simpler, faster and more accessible services.'

The ATO corporate plan 2021–22 builds on our strong foundations and enduring commitment to the Australian community.

This corporate plan outlines the steps we’re taking to deliver on our aspirations for 2024. We will continue our focus on the most critical and transformational strategic initiatives that build trust and confidence and contribute towards the ATO being a streamlined, integrated and data-driven organisation.

Our priority over the last year has been on meeting the needs of our clients and supporting them through these challenging times. Over the next four years, we’ll continue to work with the community and our stakeholders to deliver modern and seamless experiences. In this changing world, our objective is clear: deliver better tax and superannuation experiences by making things simpler, faster and more accessible for our clients.

Our key achievements from last year demonstrate the underlying strengths of the ATO’s responsiveness, expertise and collaboration. We continued to deliver billions of dollars to Australians through important government stimulus measures and provided more tailored lodgment and payment options to help our clients get back on their feet. We also delivered our biggest tax time yet, with more than $30 billion in refunds to date, providing expert guidance to help clients navigate their obligations and entitlements.

One of our major milestones this past year was establishing the Australian Business Registry Services. A key deliverable from this work will be to consolidate 32 government registers into one – a major government commitment to deregulation. I am honoured to be appointed the Registrar of the service, broadening the ATO’s role beyond the administration of the tax and superannuation systems and highlighting the government’s trust in our capacity to deliver.

Other major milestones were achieved with the take-up of myGovID and Relationship Authorisation Manager exceeding expectations. These new solutions, along with Single Touch Payroll, were critical enablers for the receipt of stimulus measures such as cash flow boost and JobKeeper. The adoption of these solutions has far exceeded forecasts already – with over 2.6 million myGovID users, and 1.3 million ABNs linked with over 1.9 million authorisations. A new digital platform for businesses was also deployed, Online services for business, making it easier for businesses of all sizes to manage their obligations. So far, it has over 400,000 users and we’re receiving positive feedback.

These examples are just some of the steps we’ve taken in the last 12 months to continue to make services for the community simpler, faster and more accessible. This is only the beginning, and we’re committed to accelerating digital services that deliver on the government’s commitment to Australians.

To achieve our vision and aspirations for 2024, we know our transformation depends on being more streamlined, integrated and data-driven. Our strategic initiatives from 2020–21 (except for the stimulus measures) have been rolled over into this plan, reinforcing our commitment to the direction of our transformation. At their foundation, these initiatives have technology-driven solutions to help clients comply with their tax and superannuation obligations.

This year, we’re taking major steps to optimise client interactions by preparing to deliver a new website, with personalised content and a better navigation and search experience, making it easier for clients and intermediaries to self-serve. We will work with small business and our partners to design and deliver solutions that seamlessly integrate tax, superannuation and registry requirements into their systems to improve small business tax performance.

To unlock our data potential, we’ll expand our use of verifiable data, such as pre-filling, to support assurance and improved experiences for our clients. We’ll continue to strengthen the cyber security environment – with investment committed to improving maturity across our processes, technology and people. We’ll also continue to focus on what matters most by sharpening our performance measurement system and improving business processes to drive greater effectiveness and efficiency.

What we do is only as good as how we do it – whether we are focused on our transformation or business as usual. The dedication and professionalism of our people, their expertise and compassion, contribute to where we are now and what will move us forward. Our experience through COVID-19 has proven that our culture, leaders and workforce are absolutely focused on getting it right for the people we serve. Improving organisational capability is the motivation behind the initiative to embed new ways of working, which will enhance our workforce agility by anticipating and rapidly responding to community needs.

If the past year has taught us anything, it’s that we’re up for a challenge. I’m exceptionally proud of the extraordinary effort and achievements of the ATO over the past 12 months. We can achieve incredible things when we work together, united by our desire to serve the Australian community, and build a tax and superannuation system that is valued and trusted.

Supporting economic recovery

At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, we administered stimulus measures designed to alleviate financial hardship in the face of widespread shutdowns, and put a range of temporary protections in place to support clients when they needed it most.

With efforts turning to support Australia’s economic recovery, we are focused on administering the tax and superannuation systems in ways that enable people and businesses to get on with the job, including:

  • making it easy for the community to understand and comply with their obligations
  • ensuring fairness and integrity in the system
  • showing empathy and pragmatism for those in difficult circumstances.

Over coming years, the ATO will drive deregulation and support the digital economy through:

  • online tools and integrated services designed to streamline processes and save time
  • better use of data to help us tailor interactions and proactively meet client needs
  • debt and lodgment programs that support engagement
  • business registry services that are transparent, reliable and accessible.

We are committed to providing services that are secure, integrated and data-driven, making it easier for people to participate in the tax and superannuation systems.

Chris Jordan
Commissioner of Taxation and
Registrar of the Australian Business Register
and the Australian Business Registry Services

This ATO corporate plan 2021–22 has been prepared as required under paragraph 35(1)(b) of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013. It covers the period 2021–22 to 2024–25 and includes the plan of the Australian Business Registry Services (ABRS). Due to their operational independence, the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) and the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) have produced their own corporate plans.
