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TaxPack 2008

TaxPack 2008 is designed to help you complete your 2008 tax return for individuals.

Last updated 9 December 2015

What is TaxPack?

TaxPack is a print publication designed to help you to complete your individual income tax return. TaxPack is divided into two parts:

  • TaxPack with the tax return for individuals
  • TaxPack supplement with the tax return for individuals (supplementary section).

To find out your options on completing and lodging your tax return read Lodging your tax return.

For information about whether you need to lodge a tax return:

If you are an Australian resident and a retiree, you may be eligible to use Retirees TaxPack.

Download TaxPack and forms

TaxPack information

While TaxPack is designed to help individuals complete their income tax returns, many people also use it as a basic reference to the Australian tax system. The information in TaxPack has been rewritten into a series of web pages and published across this site.

You can search or browse the site to find general information about:

  • income you must declare
  • deductions and tax offsets you are entitled to claim, and
  • tax rates and calculations.

If you would prefer to download TaxPack in Portable Document Format (PDF), refer to the list of download files.
