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Tips to avoid common Small Business Superannuation Clearing House errors

What you and your clients can do to ensure super funds accept your payment to the Small Business Super Clearing House.

Last updated 23 July 2019

When you or your clients use the Small Business Superannuation Clearing House (SBSCH), it is important to enter valid and accurate employee details. This ensures super funds accept the payment for the benefit of your clients' employees.

Tips to ensure payments are accepted

  • Check the following are correct
    • Unique Superannuation Identifier (USI), commonly known as a super fund product for APRA regulated funds
    • Australian business number (ABN), bank account and electronic service address for self-managed super funds (SMSFs)
    • Super fund member account number
  • Make sure the super fund name only includes alphanumeric characters and no symbols (such as '&')
  • Check the payment matches the payment instructions and use the correct Payment reference number (PRN) when making the payment.

If an employee's details change after submission of a payment instruction, but before it has been processed, you or your client will need to delete and re-lodge the payment instruction.

Once a payment has been received by the SBSCH and successfully sent on to the nominated super fund, you can see it in the clearing house under the Historical tab.

Addressing errors

If there are errors with an employee's details, super funds may send the payment back to us. We will then contact you or your client and ask for the information to be updated within seven business days.

If the information is updated, we will re-send the payment to the super fund with the new details. If not, the payment will be refunded back to the employer.

See also:
