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Published 12 August 2024

We are committed to working with stakeholders to deliver on our vision and purpose.

ATO corporate plan 2024-25 - the ACNC diagram - page 49 (689x729px). This diagram highlights the stakeholders the ACNC is committed to working with to deliver on our vision and purpose. The ACNC is shown within a circular shape at the centre of the diagram. Four boxes surround the central circle and overlap with the circle to show their individual connections to the ACNC. The boxes represent the groups of stakeholders we cooperate with. They are: Government - including the Australian Taxation Office, Other commonwealth agencies (including Treasury), State and territory governments Other regulators for charities – Including other national regulators, State and territory regulators, International charity regulators Users of ACNC data – Including the Public, Philanthropists and donors, Academics and researchers, Policy makers, Charities and the broader NFP sector, Peak bodies, Media Consultation and advisory forums – Including the ACNC Advisory Board, ACNC Performance, Audit and Risk Committee, Adviser Forum, Sector Forum, Consultation Group.

Cooperation with these organisations helps us ensure we are a better practice regulator in line with the government’s 3 best practice principles.

Key stakeholders and how we work together


We collaborate with all levels of government to reduce unnecessary burden, share data and discuss regulatory issues and trends across the charity sector. The ACNC is an independent body, but we enjoy a strong working relationship with the ATO and the Commissioner of Taxation, noting the ACNC forms part of the ATO for the purposes of the PGPA Act.

Users of ACNC data

The Charity Register is a key means of promoting public trust and confidence in the charity sector. We publish guidance and charity sector data to help users to understand the diversity and contribution of the charity sector.

Consultation and advisory forums

We collaborate with various forums (the ACNC Advisory Board, Adviser and Sector Forums and Consultation Group) in accordance with our Stakeholder Engagement Framework to support continuous improvement. As part of this commitment, we have our own Performance, Audit and Risk Committee and attend the ATO Audit and Risk Committee.

Other regulators for charities

We share data with other regulators to reduce the regulatory burden on charities. We also meet frequently with those regulators, which helps us to better understand the environment in which charities operate. We work with other regulators where there is a risk to public trust and confidence. We share our insights and learn from our counterparts to continually improve our performance.
