We will confirm whether you have entered into arrangements the same or similar to that described in any Taxpayer Alerts, Public Rulings and Practical Compliance Guidelines. If so, we will ask for details of the processes and controls in place to provide us with confidence that you are paying the right amount of GST and for objective evidence to support your position.
The following are some of the tax alerts, public rulings and practical compliance guidelines that we will ask about in our information requests:
- TA 2004/1: Non-arm's length arrangements using Goods and Services Tax (GST) cash/non cash accounting methods to obtain a GST benefit
- TA 2004/9: Exploitation of second-hand goods provisions to obtain Goods and Services Tax (GST) input tax credits
- TA 2005/4: Creation of Goods and Services Tax (GST) input tax credits by barter exchanges
- TA 2007/1: Lease by a charitable institution to an associated endorsed charitable institution designed to gain input tax credits
- TA 2008/17: Claims for GST refunds beyond four years arising from the reclassification of a previously taxable supply as GST free
- TA 2009/4: Land owner’s use of a registered associate to maximise input tax credit entitlements and reduce Goods and Services Tax (GST) payable under the margin scheme
- TA 2009/5: Use of an associate to obtain Goods and Services Tax (GST) benefits on construction of residential premises for lease
- TA 2009/21: R&D offset abuse through registered research agencies
- TA 2010/1: GST - interposing an associated “financial supply facilitator” to enhance claims for reduced input tax credits for expenses incurred in the course of a company takeover
- TA 2010/7: GST - Retirement Village operators who on-sell services to residents in an attempt to claim greater input tax credits
- TA 2016/8: GST implications of arrangements entered into in response to the Multinational Anti-Avoidance law (MAAL)
- TA 2018/3: GST implications of certain development lease arrangements
- PCG 2016/7: GST Joint Ventures in the energy and resource industry
- PCG 2016/18: GST and countertrade transactions
- PCG 2017/15: GST and Customer Owned Banking Institutions
- PCG 2018/6: GST – Inbound Tour Operators and Agency
- PCG 2019/8: ATO compliance approach to GST apportionment of acquisitions that relate to certain financial supplies.