When to complete the statement of attribution
- Complete the statement of attribution for payments to foreign residents if both of the following apply the CCIV sub-fund trust is not a withholding MIT.
- A liability arises for the trustee in respect of an amount attributed to a foreign resident under section 276-105 of the ITAA 1997.
A statement of attribution must be provided for each foreign resident member where the above criteria apply.
The information disclosed in the statement of attribution must be provided to each member to whom that information relates, to enable them to complete their own tax return.
If you don't make the information available to the foreign resident, you may be liable to pay a penalty.
Foreign resident member details
For each foreign resident member for which the trustee is liable to pay an amount, you must provide the following information:
- tax file number (TFN)
- for individuals
- full name, including title, surname, and given names
- residential address (street address, not PO Box)
- date of birth
- for non-individuals
- full name of entity, for example, ABC Trust
- business address (this must be a street address, not a PO box).
Trustee assessment details
The CCIV sub-fund trust trustee is assessed only on amounts attributed to foreign residents that have not had an amount withheld under the PAYG withholding provisions.
Trustee assessment code
Write an assessment calculation code for each foreign resident member that the trustee is to be assessed in respect of.
See the following table for the relevant assessment calculation codes.
CCIV sub-fund trust trustee assessment code – foreign resident member |
Code description |
138 |
An individual, or any foreign resident member that is not a company or a trustee of another trust |
139 |
A company |
140 |
A trustee |
Taxable determined member component
Write each foreign resident member's determined member components on which the trustee will be assessed and liable to pay tax under section 276-105 of the ITAA 1997.
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Return to: Instructions to complete the attribution CCIV sub-fund tax return 2024