We have pre-filled your tax return with dividend information provided to us. Check for dividends and distributions that were paid or credited to you by Australian companies that are not pre-filled and ensure you add them.
If we have pre-filled a listed investment company capital (LIC) gains deduction, this amount will be 50% of the amount shown as a LIC capital gain on your dividend statement. For more information, see Dividend deductions.
Dividends and distributions include:
- dividends applied under a dividend reinvestment plan
- dividends that were dealt with on your behalf
- bonus shares that qualify as dividends
- distributions by a corporate limited partnership
- dividends paid by a corporate unit trust
- dividends paid by a public trading trust
- dividends paid by a listed investment company.
Find out more
Read Dividends and franking credits to find out how to complete this section if:
- you received a dividend as a result of a dividend washing arrangement
- you had shares and were under an obligation to make, or were likely to make, a related payment
- within 45 days of buying shares (90 days for certain preference shares), you either sold them or entered into an arrangement to reduce the risk of making a loss on them, or
- you received or were credited with amounts
- related to a non-share equity interest
- by a private company, as a shareholder or associate of a shareholder, in the form of payments, loans or debts forgiven
- by a trustee or a trust in the form of payments, loans of debts forgiven where a private company in which you were a shareholder, or an associate of a shareholder, had an unpaid present entitlement from the trust
- when you were not an Australian resident for tax purposes.
Jointly owned shares
If you had shares in joint names, show the number of account holders and the total amounts of dividends, credits and tax withheld. MyTax will divide the amounts equally between the number of account holders.
You may alter your share of the total amount of dividends, credits and tax withheld if the shares are owned in unequal proportions. Keep a record to show how you worked out your share.
Foreign residents
Do not include any dividend income paid or credited to you during the period you were a foreign resident if:
- the dividend was fully franked, or
- the dividend was not fully franked, but either
- the dividend statement shows the unfranked amount to be conduit foreign income, or
- withholding tax was (or should have been) deducted from the unfranked amount.
You will need to provide details of any dividend:
- that was paid or credited to you during any period you were a foreign resident, and
- that was not fully franked and was not declared to be conduit foreign income, and
- on which you have not paid withholding tax.
Completing this section
You will need your statements from each Australian company that paid you dividends or made distributions to you from 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017 inclusive.
Do not include dividends or a distribution on which family trust distribution tax has been paid.
- For each dividend that has not been pre-filled in your tax return, select Add and enter information into the corresponding fields. If your statement does not show franked and unfranked portions of the dividend, enter the total dividend amount at Total franked amount.
- If you were not an Australian resident for tax purposes when the dividend was paid or credited to you and withholding tax was not deducted, select the Country of residence when the dividend was paid or credited.
This amount will not be included in your taxable income. We will advise you of the amount of withholding tax you have to pay on this dividend. - Select Save.
- Select Save and continue.