- Deductions for prepaid expenses
- Guide to depreciating assets
- Information for primary producers
- Law Administration Practice Statement PS LA 2001/6 Home office and electronic device expenses
- Law Administration Practice Statement PS LA 2003/8 Practical approaches to low-cost business expenses
- Other capital expenses (including capital works deductions)
- Partnerships
- Private ruling application form (not for tax professionals)
- Private ruling form (non-commercial losses)
- Small business entity concessions
- Taxation Ruling TR 92/18 Income tax: bad debts
- Taxation Ruling TR 93/30 Income tax: deductions for home office expenses
- Taxation Ruling TR 96/7 Income tax: record keeping – section 262A – general principles
- Taxation Ruling TR 97/11 Income tax: am I carrying on a business of primary production?
- Taxation Ruling TR 97/23 Income tax: deductions for repairs
- Taxation Ruling TR 2003/10 Income tax: deductions that relate to personal services income
- Taxation Ruling TR 2006/3 Income tax: government payments to industry to assist entities (including individuals) to continue, commence or cease business
- Taxation Ruling TR 2007/6 Income tax: non-commercial business losses: Commissioner's discretion
- Thin capitalisation
Last updated 25 June 2019