Income Tax Assessment Act 1997
SECTION 195-140 Entry on Australian Business Register 195-140(1)
If a *CCIV sub-fund trust has an *ABN, the *Australian Business Registrar must enter in the *Australian Business Register in relation to the trust a statement that: (a) indicates that the trust is taken to exist for tax purposes because of the application of section 195-110 to a *sub-fund of a *CCIV; and (b) sets out the sub-fund ' s ARFN (within the meaning of the Corporations Act 2001 ).
ARFN is short for Australian Registered Fund Number.
[ CCH Note: S 195-140(1) will be amended by No 8 of 2022, s 3 and Sch 5 items 15 and 16, by substituting " the *Registrar must make a record of " for " the *Australian Business Registrar must enter in the *Australian Business Register in relation to the trust " and para (b), applicable to a CCIV sub-fund trust that has an ABN, even if the trust began to have an ABN before 1 July 2026. Para (b) will read:
(b) sets out:
(i) the sub-fund ' s ARFN (within the meaning of the Corporations Act 2001 ); and
(ii) the name of the *corporate director of the CCIV; and
(iii) the number of the corporate director ' s Australian financial services licence (within the meaning of that Act).
The *Australian Business Registrar must take reasonable steps to ensure that information entered in the *Australian Business Register under this section is accurate. For this purpose, the Registrar may correct or update the information.
[ CCH Note: S 195-140(2) will be substituted by No 8 of 2022, s 3 and Sch 5 item 17, applicable to a CCIV sub-fund trust that has an ABN, even if the trust began to have an ABN before 1 July 2026. S 195-140(2) will read:
The *Registrar must take reasonable steps to ensure that a statement recorded under subsection (1) is accurate. For this purpose, the Registrar may correct or update the record of the statement.
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