Income Tax Assessment Act 1997



Division 306 - Roll-overs etc.  

Operative provisions  

SECTION 306-10  

306-10   Roll-over superannuation benefit  

A *superannuation benefit is a roll-over superannuation benefit if:


the benefit is a *superannuation lump sum and a *superannuation benefit; and

(b)    the benefit is not a superannuation benefit of a kind specified in the regulations; and


the benefit satisfies any of the following conditions:

(i) it is paid from a *complying superannuation plan;

(ii) it is an *unclaimed money payment;

(iii) it arises from the commutation of a *superannuation annuity; and

(d)    the benefit satisfies any of the following conditions:

(i) it is paid to a complying superannuation plan;

(ii) it is paid to an entity to purchase a superannuation annuity from the entity.
Note 1:

A superannuation benefit may be paid from one superannuation plan of a superannuation provider to another superannuation plan of the same provider.

Note 2:

For the treatment of amounts transferred within a superannuation plan, see subsection 307-5(8) .

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