Corporations Legislation Amendment (Simpler Regulatory System) Act 2007 (101 of 2007)

Schedule 1   Amendments

Part 1   Amendments commencing on Royal Assent

Corporations Act 2001

27   Paragraph 300A(1)(c)

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

(c) the prescribed details in relation to the remuneration of:

(i) if consolidated financial statements are required - each member of the key management personnel for the consolidated entity; and

(ii) if consolidated financial statements are not required - each member of the key management personnel for the company; and

(iii) if consolidated financial statements are required - each of the 5 named relevant group executives who receive the highest remuneration for that year; and

(iv) in any case - each of the 5 named company executives who receive the highest remuneration for that year; and