93L(1)   7 kinds of facility.  

There are 7 kinds of infrastructure facility.

93L(2)   Land transport facility.  

One kind of infrastructure facility is a land transport facility, that is to say, a road, tunnel, bridge, or railway line, or a combination of these, in Australia that is to be used for the transport of the public or their goods at a charge to them (whether the transport is by the member of the public concerned or by another person).

93L(3)   Air transport facility.  

Another kind of infrastructure facility is an air transport facility, that is to say, a runway, and any associated taxiway and runway apron, in Australia that is to be used by aircraft transporting the public or their cargo at a charge to them.

93L(4)   Seaport facility.  

Another kind of infrastructure facility is a seaport facility, that is to say, a wharf, or dock, in Australia for the public to embark or disembark, or for loading or unloading their cargo, onto or from seagoing vessels, where there is a charge to the public for the transport of the public or their cargo on the vessels.

93L(5)   Electricity generation, transmission or distribution facility.  

Another kind of infrastructure facility is an electricity generation, transmission or distribution facility, that is to say, any one, or combination of 2 or more, of the following facilities:

(a) an electricity generation facility on land in Australia;

(b) an electricity transmission facility, where the electricity generation facility concerned is on land in Australia;

(c) an electricity distribution facility on land in Australia;

where the electricity generated, transmitted or distributed is to be principally for sale to the public either directly by the operator of the facility or indirectly through other persons.

93L(6)   Gas pipeline facility.  

Another kind of infrastructure facility is a gas pipeline facility, that is to say, the whole or part of a pipeline that is to be used for transporting gas from a processing plant on land in Australia principally for sale to the public either directly by the operator of the facility or indirectly through other persons.

93L(7)   Water supply facility.  

Another kind of infrastructure facility is a water supply facility, that is to say, any one, or combination of 2 or more, of the following:

(a) dams, weirs, reservoirs or tanks that are to be used for storing, and regulating the flow of, water for public consumption, or other use by the public, at a charge to them;

(b) bores that are to be used for extracting water for public consumption, or other use by the public, at a charge to them;

(c) channels or pipelines that are to be used:

(i) for supplying water for public consumption, or other use by the public, at a charge to them; or

(ii) for carrying water between dams or other storage places from which it is to be supplied through channels or pipelines for public consumption, or other use by the public, at a charge to them;

(d) pumps and associated structures that are to be used:

(i) in extracting water from bores covered by paragraph (b); or

(ii) for pumping water along channels or pipelines covered by paragraph (c);

(e) equipment and structures that are to be used for treating water that is to be supplied to the public through pipelines at a charge to them, to make it fit for the public to drink.

93L(8)   Sewage or wastewater facility.  

Another kind of infrastructure facility is a sewage or wastewater facility, that is to say:

(a) equipment, excavations and structures that are to be used for treating, at a charge to the public, sewage, or other wastes in water, produced by the public:

(i) to reduce the damage caused by its disposal in the natural environment; or

(ii) to make any component of the things treated suitable for re-use; or

(b) channels, drains or pipelines for carrying sewage, or other wastes in water, produced by the public to or from the equipment and structures covered by paragraph (a); or

(c) both of these.

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