Tax Laws Amendment (2004 Measures No. 7) Act 2005 (41 of 2005)

Schedule 10   Technical corrections and amendments

Part 1   Technical corrections and amendments commencing on Royal Assent

Income Tax Assessment Act 1997

185   Subsection 320-37(2)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(c), the foreign resident proportion of the *foreign establishment amounts is the amount worked out using the formula:

Foreign establishment amounts * (Foreign resident foreign establishment poicy liabilities / All foreign establishment policy liabilities)


all foreign establishment policy liabilities means the average value for the income year (as calculated by an *actuary) of the policy liabilities (as defined in the *Valuation Standard) for all *life insurance policies that:

(a) were included in the class of *life insurance business to which the company's *Australian/overseas fund or *overseas fund relates; and

(b) were issued by the company at or through the *permanent establishment to which the foreign establishment amounts relate.

foreign resident foreign establishment policy liabilities means the average value for the income year (as calculated by an *actuary) of the policy liabilities (as defined in the *Valuation Standard) for all *life insurance policies that:

(a) are *foreign resident life insurance policies; and

(b) were issued by the company at or through the *permanent establishment to which the foreign establishment amounts relate.