Corporations Act 2001




1330(1)   [ ASIC may intervene]  

ASIC may intervene in any proceeding relating to a matter arising under this Act.

1330(2)   [ ASIC deemed to be party]  

Where ASIC intervenes in a proceeding referred to in subsection (1), ASIC is taken to be a party to the proceeding and, subject to this Act, has all the rights, duties and liabilities of such a party.

1330(3)   [ Who may represent ASIC]  

Without limiting the generality of subsection (2), ASIC may appear and be represented in any proceeding in which it wishes to intervene pursuant to subsection (1):

(a) by a staff member of ASIC; or

(b) by a natural person to whom, or by an officer or employee of a person or body to whom or to which, ASIC has delegated its functions and powers under this Act or such of those functions and powers as relate to a matter to which the proceeding relates; or

(c) by solicitor or counsel.

SECTION 1331  

No civil proceedings under this Act are to be stayed merely because the proceeding discloses, or arises out of, the commission of an offence.

SECTION 1332  

Where, in proceedings other than proceedings for an offence, it is necessary to establish, or for the Court to be satisfied, for any purpose relating to a matter arising under this Act, that:

(a) a person has contravened a provision of this Act; or

(b) default has been made in complying with a provision of this Act; or

(c) an act or omission was unlawful by virtue of a provision of this Act; or

(d) a person has been in any way, by act or omission, directly or indirectly, knowingly concerned in or party to a contravention, or a default in complying with, a provision of this Act;

it is sufficient if the matter referred to in paragraph (a), (b), (c) or (d) is established, or the Court is so satisfied, as the case may be, on the balance of probabilities.

SECTION 1333  

For the purposes of this Act, a certificate that:

(a) purports to be signed by the Registrar or other proper officer of an Australian court; and

(b) states:

(i) that a person was convicted by that court on a specified day of a specified offence; or

(ii) that a person charged before that court with a specified offence was, on a specified day, found in that court to have committed the offence but that the court did not proceed to convict the person of the offence;

is, unless it is proved that the conviction was quashed or set aside, or that the finding was set aside or reversed, as the case may be, conclusive evidence:

(c) if subparagraph (b)(i) applies - that the person was convicted of the offence on that day; and

(d) if the offence was constituted by a contravention of a provision of a law - that the person contravened that provision.


1335(1)   [ Security given by corporation]  

Where a corporation is plaintiff in any action or other legal proceeding, the court having jurisdiction in the matter may, if it appears by credible testimony that there is reason to believe that the corporation will be unable to pay the costs of the defendant if successful in his, her or its defence, require sufficient security to be given for those costs and stay all proceedings until the security is given.

1335(1A)   [ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation]  

Subsection (1) does not apply to a corporation that is an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation.

Note: Similar provision is made in relation to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations under section 581-20 of the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 .

1335(2)   [ Discretion as to costs]  

The costs of any proceeding before a court under this Act are to be borne by such party to the proceeding as the court, in its discretion, directs.


1336(1)   [ Effect of vesting order]  

Where an order is made by a court under this Act vesting property in a person:

(a) subject to subsection (2), the property forthwith vests in the person named in the order without any conveyance, transfer or assignment; and

(b) the person who applied for the order must, within 7 days after the passing and entering of the order, lodge an office copy of the order with such person (if any) as is specified for the purpose in the order.

1336(2)   [ Where transfer of property may be registered]  


(a) the property to which an order referred to in subsection (1) relates is property the transfer or transmission of which may be registered under a law of the Commonwealth, of a State or of a Territory; and

(b) that law enables the registration of such an order;

the property, notwithstanding that it vests in equity in the person named in the order, does not vest in that person at law until the requirements of the law referred to in paragraph (a) have been complied with.

1336(3)   [ Property vests by force of this Act]  


(a) property vests in a person by force of this Act; and

(b) the property is property the transfer or transmission of which may be registered under a law of the Commonwealth, of a State or of a Territory; and

(c) that law enables the person to be registered as the owner of that property;

that property, notwithstanding that it vests in equity in that person by force of this Act, does not vest in that person at law until the requirements of the law referred to in paragraph (b) have been complied with.