Edwards (Inspector of Taxes) v. Bairstow and Anor

[1956] A.C. 14

(Judgment by: Lord Tucker)

Between: Edwards (Inspector of Taxes) - Appellant
And: Bairstow and Anor - Respondents

House of Lords

Judges: Viscount Simonds
Lord Radcliffe

Lord Tucker
Lord Somervell of Harrow

Subject References:
Profits of trade
Isolated transaction
Adventure in the nature of trade
Purchase and sale of spinning plant
Finding of General Commissioners

Legislative References:
Income Tax Act, 1918 (8 & 9 Geo. 5, c. 40) - Sch. D, Case I

Hearing date: 20-22 June 1955
Judgment date: 25 July 1955

Judgment by:
Lord Tucker

My Lords, I agree, for the reasons which have been stated, that this appeal should be allowed.

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