Fringe Benefits Tax Assessment Act 1986


Division 13 - Miscellaneous exempt benefits  


58P(1)   [Tests for exemption]  


(a) a benefit (in this section called a minor benefit ) is provided in, or in respect of, a year of tax (in this section called the current year of tax ) in respect of the employment of an employee of an employer;

(b) (Repealed by No 88 of 2013)

(c) in the case of an expense payment benefit, a property benefit or a residual benefit - if the minor benefit were an expense payment fringe benefit, a property fringe benefit or a residual fringe benefit, as the case may be, in relation to the employer, the expense payment fringe benefit, the property fringe benefit or the residual fringe benefit, as the case requires, would not be an in-house fringe benefit;

(d) in the case of a tax-exempt body entertainment benefit where the provider incurs non-deductible exempt entertainment expenditure that is wholly or partly in respect of the provision of entertainment to the employee or an associate of the employee:

(i) the provision of entertainment to the employee or the associate of the employee, as the case may be:

(A) is incidental to the provision of entertainment to outsiders; and

(B) neither consists of, nor is provided in connection with, the provision of a meal (other than a meal consisting of light refreshments) to the employee or the associate of the employee, as the case may be; or

(ii) the entertainment is provided to the employee or the associate of the employee, as the case may be:

(A) on eligible premises of the employer; and

(B) solely as a means of recognising the special achievements of the employee in a matter relating to the employment of the employee;

(e) the notional taxable value of the minor benefit in relation to the current year of tax is less than $300; and

(f) having regard to:

(i) the infrequency and irregularity with which associated benefits, being benefits that are identical or similar to:

(A) the minor benefit; or

(B) benefits provided in connection with the provision of the minor benefit;
have been or can reasonably be expected to be provided;

(ii) the amount that is, or might reasonably be expected to be, the sum of the notional taxable values of the minor benefit and any associated benefits, being benefits that are identical or similar to the minor benefit, in relation to the current year of tax or any other year of tax;

(iii) the amount that is, or might reasonably be expected to be, the sum of the notional taxable values of any other associated benefits in relation to the current year of tax or any other year of tax;

(iv) the practical difficulty for the employer in determining the notional taxable values in relation to the current year of tax of:

(A) if the minor benefit is not a car benefit - the minor benefit; and

(B) if there are any associated benefits that are not car benefits - those associated benefits; and

(v) the circumstances surrounding the provision of the minor benefit and any associated benefits including, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing:

(A) whether the benefit concerned was provided to assist the employee to deal with an unexpected event; and

(B) whether the benefit concerned was provided otherwise than wholly or principally by way of a reward for services rendered, or to be rendered, by the employee;
it would be concluded that it would be unreasonable to treat the minor benefit as a fringe benefit in relation to the employer in relation to the current year of tax;

the minor benefit is an exempt benefit in relation to the current year of tax.

58P(2)   [Associated benefit]  

For the purposes of this section, a benefit is an associated benefit in relation to a minor benefit if, and only if:

(a) any of the following subparagraphs applies:

(i) the benefit is identical or similar to the minor benefit;

(ii) the benefit is provided in connection with the provision of the minor benefit;

(iii) the benefit is identical or similar to a benefit provided in connection with the provision of the minor benefit;

(b) the benefit and the minor benefit both relate to the same employment of a particular employee; and

(c) the benefit is not an exempt benefit by virtue of a provision of this Act other than this section.


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