Income Tax Assessment Act 1997
This section tells you about the income tax treatment of a *Commonwealth education or training payment (other than a payment to or on behalf of a student under the scheme known as ABSTUDY).
The income tax treatment of payments under the scheme known as ABSTUDY is dealt with in Subdivision 52-E .
The *supplementary amount of the payment is exempt from income tax.
The supplementary amount is the total of:
(a) so much of the payment as is included to assist you with, or to reimburse you for, the costs of any one or more of the following:
(i) rent;
(ii) living in a remote area;
(iii) commencing employment;
(iv) travel to, or participation in, courses, interviews, education or training;
(v) a child or children wholly or substantially dependent on you;
(vi) telephone bills;
(vii) living away from your usual residence;
(viii) maintaining your usual residence while living away from that residence;
(ix) accommodation, books or equipment;
(x) (Repealed by No 56 of 2010)
(xa) discharging a compulsory repayment amount (within the meaning of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 );
(xb) discharging a compulsory VETSL repayment amount (within the meaning of the VET Student Loans Act 2016 );
(xi) transport in travelling to undertake education or training, or to visit your usual residence when undertaking education or training away from that residence;
(xii) if you are disabled - acquiring any special equipment, services or transport as a result of the disability;
(xiii) anything that would otherwise prevent you from beginning, continuing or completing any education or training; and
(b) so much of the payment as is included by way of pharmaceutical allowance; and
(c) so much of the payment as is included by way of energy supplement.
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