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Maintain authorisations

Prepare to act on behalf of your client by checking you have the appropriate signed authority to do so.

Last updated 6 June 2024

You must have the appropriate signed authority to act on behalf of your client. For tax agents you'll need authority for all accounts listed. If you're authorised at the income tax level, you're also authorised for all client accounts.

To view and update the accounts you're authorised to act on behalf of:

  • select a client
  • select Profile then Maintain authorisations
  • The screen will display accounts
    • you are authorised for
    • with an existing agent link indicator if another agent has authorisation for that account
    • that have no agent authorisation
  • an Existing agent link will display if another agent has authorisation for an account listed. Selecting an account with another agent listed will remove that agent and may result in your client having to complete another 'Agent nomination' to re-instate the removed agent.
  • If you've authorisation for the account, you'll need to remove the existing agent and a delete pending indicator will display
  • select or deselect the relevant authorisations and any additional accounts you're authorised for.
    • Note: If you're a tax agent already linked to the client's Income tax account and you select an account with an existing authorised agent, a nudge message will display advising that you already have access to all accounts and that you are electing to remove an authorised agent for activity statement purposes. You will be given the option to press 'Yes' to continue or 'No' to go back to the previous page and update your responses.
