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10. Tax Practitioners Board

Last updated 16 August 2022

The Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) is an independent statutory body created under the Tax Agent Services Act 2009 (TASA) and as a national body, has responsibility for the registration and regulation of tax agents and business activity statement (BAS) agents (collectively referred to as ‘tax practitioners’).

The TPB consists of a Chair and Board members appointed by the relevant Minister and staff made available by the Commissioner of Taxation.

The purpose of the TPB is to ensure that tax practitioner services are provided to the public in accordance with appropriate standards of professional and ethical conduct.

The TPB protects consumers of taxation services by regulating tax practitioners, thereby strengthening the integrity of the tax profession.

The TPB is responsible for ensuring that tax practitioners comply with the TASA, including the Code of Professional Conduct.

This is achieved by:

  • administering a system of registration
  • addressing conduct that may breach the TASA
  • imposing sanctions for breaches of the TASA
  • issuing guidance to support tax practitioners
  • supporting the Australian Government’s areas of focus and reform
  • building organisational capability and culture.

Further details about the TPB, including its activities and its 2022–23 corporate plan, are available from Link.
