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The location tax offset

Last updated 28 June 2010

The location tax offset is calculated at 15% of the company's total qualifying Australian production expenditure (QAPE) on a film. The location tax offset is available for films that do not satisfy the significant Australian content test required for the producer tax offset.

The location tax offset applies to films commencing principal photography or production of the animated image on or after 8 May 2007.

The location tax offset is available to a company for the making of a film when the following conditions are met:

  • The Minister for Environment Protection, Heritage and the Arts (the Arts Minister) has issued to the company a final certificate for the film in relation to the location offset.
  • If the company's total QAPE on the film is less than $50 million - the company claims the tax offset in its income tax return for the income year in which the company's 'production expenditure' on the film ceased.
  • If the company's total QAPE on the film is $50 million or more - the company claims the tax offset in its income tax return for the income year in which the company's QAPE on the film ceased.
  • The company is either an Australian resident or a foreign resident with a permanent establishment in Australia and an ABN.

The issue by the Arts Minister of a final certificate to a company for a film in relation to the location tax offset is the central requirement for the company's entitlement to the location tax offset in respect of the film.

An application to the Arts Minister for such a final certificate is considered by the Film Certification Advisory Board, comprising industry representatives and a senior official from the Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, which advises the Minister on whether to issue a final certificate.

Broadly, the Arts Minister must be satisfied of the following:

  • The film is of an eligible format and genre.
  • The company's total QAPE on the film is at least $15 million.
  • If the company's total QAPE on the film is less than $50 million - that total QAPE must be at least 70% of the company's total 'production expenditure' on the film and the company has either carried out, or made the arrangements for carrying out, all the activities worldwide necessary for the making of the film.
  • If the company's total QAPE on the film is at least $50 million - the company has either carried out, or made the arrangements for carrying out, all the activities in Australia necessary for the making of the film.

Further details of the application process for provisional and final certification, guidelines and eligibility criteria are available on the Department of Communications and the ArtsExternal Link website.

Like with the producer tax offset, the company's total QAPE on the film is determined as part of the final certification process for the location tax offset and that information along with a copy of the final certificate is provided to us to enable us to verify claims and process payment of the location tax offset.
