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Net income or loss from business this year

Last updated 25 May 2009

Use worksheet 7 and worksheet 8 to work out your net income or loss from your primary and non-primary production businesses this year, not including any non-commercial business losses deferred from a prior year.

Completing this item

Step 1 Transfer the amount at (h) on worksheet 7 to B item P8 on page 3 of your schedule. Do not show cents. If the amount is a loss, print L in the box at the right of this amount.

Step 2 Transfer the amount at (p) on worksheet 8 to C item P8 on page 3 of your schedule. Do not show cents. If the amount is a loss, print L in the box at the right of this amount.

Step 3 Add B and C and write the total in the adjacent Totals column. The amount shown should not include any non-commercial business losses deferred from a prior year (which are shown at D or E - see Deferred non-commercial business losses from a prior year.

If you made a loss from your business, print L in the box at the right of this amount.

If the amount at B or C includes details from more than one business activity, and any one of these activities resulted in a net loss, you also need to complete items P3 and P9 on your schedule.
