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Did you satisfy all three eligibility tests?

Last updated 25 May 2009


You are not eligible to enter or continue in the STS. If you were not in the STS in 2005-06, go to item P1 Personal services income. If you were in the STS in 2005-06 and are no longer eligible, you must exit the STS. Read on.


Read on.

Completing this item

Entering the STS

If you want to enter the STS and are eligible to do so, complete G, H and I item S1.

Print X in the Yes boxes at G and H item S1.

Print X in the Yes box at I item S1 if you are grouped with another entity for any year relevant to your calculation of STS average turnover; otherwise print X in the No box.

Continuing in the STS

If you want to continue in the STS and are eligible to do so, complete G, R and I item S1.

Print X in the Yes boxes at G and R item S1.

Print X in the Yes box at I item S1 if you are grouped with another entity for any year relevant to your calculation of STS average turnover; otherwise print X in the NO box.

Exiting the STS

If you satisfy all three eligibility tests but want to exit the STS, complete S item S1.

Print X in the Yes box at S item S1. Leave all other boxes blank.

If you do not satisfy all three eligibility tests you must exit the STS by completing T item S1.

Print X in the Yes box at T item S1. Leave all other boxes blank.

Generally, if you choose to leave the STS, you cannot re-enter the STS until at least five years after the income year for which you were last an STS taxpayer. See the note below for the exception.

However, if you must leave the STS because you are no longer eligible, you can become an STS taxpayer again for an income year as soon as you are eligible.

Note: There are transitional arrangements which provide that if you previously chose to exit the STS for an income year beginning before 1 July 2005, you will be able to re-enter the STS during the period of five years starting on 1 July 2005 (if you are eligible) without having to wait five years.
