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Page 1 of the schedule

Last updated 26 November 2009

Tax file number

Print the tax file number (TFN) of the entity.

Name of entity

Print the name of the entity.

The name shown must be the same as that shown on the entity's tax return.

Australian business number

Print the Australian business number (ABN), if any, of the entity.

Signature as prescribed in tax return

The person who is required to sign, and who signs the tax return of the entity, is also required to sign the losses schedule.

Meaning of 'applied' and 'unapplied' in this schedule

Unless the context indicates otherwise:

An 'unapplied' tax loss includes a tax loss for which a deduction has not yet been claimed, that has not been reduced by net exempt income or, in the case of companies, has not been transferred to other companies that are members of the same wholly owned group.

Conversely, an 'applied' tax loss includes a tax loss for which a deduction has been claimed, that has been reduced by net exempt income or, in the case of companies, has been transferred to other companies that are members of the same wholly owned group.

An 'unapplied' net capital loss includes a net capital loss which has not been applied against capital gains or, in the case of companies, has not been transferred to other companies that are members of the same wholly owned group.

Conversely, an 'applied' net capital loss includes a net capital loss which has been applied against capital gains or, in the case of companies, has been transferred to other companies that are members of the same wholly owned group.
