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Tax Help

Last updated 9 January 2005

If you need assistance to complete your application, you could use Tax Help.

Our network of community volunteers are trained and supported by the Tax Office to provide assistance face-to-face.

Tax Help is a free and confidential service. Many low income earners who use Tax Help are seniors, people from non-English speaking backgrounds, people with a disability, Aboriginal people or Torres Strait Islander people, and students.

There are Tax Help centres throughout Australia. If you want to visit one of the trained volunteers, you need to make an appointment first. When you visit, you will need to bring:

For more information or to find out where your nearest Tax Help centre is, ring us on 13 28 61.

If you do not speak English and need help from the Australian Taxation Office, phone the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 13 14 50. TIS staff can assist with translating and interpreting in over 100 languages. Ask them to set up a three-way conversation between you, an interpreter and a tax officer.
