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Completing a rental property worksheet

Last updated 3 December 2005

In the following example of a completed worksheet, some of the figures have been drawn from the examples in this publication. Others have been included for illustrative purposes.

Example: Rental property worksheet


Rental income


Other rental related income


Gross rent



Advertising for tenants


Body corporate fees and charges


Borrowing expenses




Council rates


Deductions for decline in value (depreciation)


Gardening/ lawn mowing (see note)


Insurance (see note)


Interest on loans


Land tax


Legal expenses


Pest control


Property agent fees/commission


Repairs and maintenance


Capital works deductions (formerly special building write-off)


Stationery, telephone and postage


Travel expenses


Water charges


Sundry rental expenses


Total expenses


Net rental loss ($20,431 − $9,300)


Note: You can't claim for these items if the expenditure is already included in body corporate fees and charges.

End of example
