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Extra joint income groups

Last updated 30 June 2010

If you have more joint income groups than can fit onto worksheet 1 or 2 you can use copies of this worksheet.

Worksheet 1: Extra joint income groups


(g) Joint income group (2) name:

(g) Joint income group (3) name:

Gross income amounts


Amount on your tax return

Jointly earned income that is not from employment or business

Jointly earned employment/ business income

Jointly earned income that is not from employment or business

Jointly earned business income


shown at L item 10







shown at S, T and U item 11






Distributions from trusts

shown at L and U item 13






Net farm management withdrawals

shown at E item 17






Foreign entities

shown at K, B and C item 19






Foreign source income

gross income amount shown at E or F item 20






Capital gains

from trusts only, shown at H item 18






Gross rent

shown at P item 21






Bonuses from life insurance companies and friendly societies

shown at W item 22






Forestry managed investment scheme income

shown at A item 23






Other income

shown at Y and V item 24






Total gross income

Total each column



Step 4 Transfer totals


to (j) on worksheet 2.

to (k) on worksheet 2.

to (j) on worksheet 2.

to (k) on worksheet 2.

Worksheet 2: Extra joint income groups


(g) Joint income group (2) name:

(g) Joint income group (3) name:




Amount on your tax return


Deductions relating to jointly earned non-business income


Deductions relating to jointly earned business income


Deductions relating to jointly earned non-business income


Deductions relating to jointly earned business income

Low value pool deduction

shown at K item D6






Interest deductions (eg bank fees)

shown at I item D7






Dividend deductions

shown at H item D8






Cost of managing tax affairs

shown at M item D10






Other deductions relating to distribution

amount shown at X and Y item 13 that relates to trust distributions only






Net farm management deposit deductions

you included when calculating the amount shown in E item 17






Foreign source income deductions

you included when calculating the amount shown in T, L, D, R, and M item 20







shown at Q, F and U item 21






Australian film industry incentives

shown at G, item D11






Forestry managed investment scheme deduction

shown at F item D15






Other deductions

shown at J item D16






Personal services income deductions

shown at K and L item P1






Total deductions

Total each column except (c)


Do not total column (c)




Total gross income for each joint income group.

Transfer amounts from Worksheet 1




Joint income

For each joint income group take:

  • (h) from (j), and
  • (i) from (k)



Transfer amount at (g) to (d) on Worksheet 6



Joint income group net income

Add (l) and (m) together






Step 5 If the amount at (n) above is positive go to table 1, if (n) is negative go to table 2.
