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Correct an activity statement

How you correct a mistake on an activity statement depends on what tax and year your mistake relates to.

Last updated 28 November 2021

You can use your current activity statement to:

  • correct goods and services tax (GST) mistakes
  • correct fuel tax credit mistakes
  • make claims for previous periods
  • vary instalment amounts.

If you realise you have made a mistake working out your PAYG instalment, you can fix or amend it. See Correcting PAYG instalments.

A four-year time limit applies to claiming credits and refunds.

Time limits also apply for varying instalment amounts. Corrections must be made:

  • on or before the day your instalment is due
  • before you lodge your tax return for the year.

The process for correcting mistakes and making claims for previous periods depends on the specific tax, credit involved and time limits.

If you can't make a correction on your current activity statement, you may be able to revise the original activity statement. See Revising an earlier activity statement.

We can also make mistakes processing your activity statement – for example, it may scan incorrectly, or we may make a keying error. If you think we've made an error, contact us.

Find out about  

How to correct a mistake with the PAYG amount withheld or reported on your activity statement.

How to change your fuel tax credits claim for a previous business activity statement (BAS) period.

Luxury car tax mistakes must be corrected using a revised activity statement.

Wine equalisation tax mistakes can normally be corrected on a current business activity statement.

A four-year time limit applies to claiming credits and refunds, starting from the end of the tax period in which the credit arose. For excise duties paid on goods that are exported, a 12 month time limit applies from the date of exportation.
