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Chapter four

Last updated 11 November 2010

  1. Official Year Book, No.33, 1940, p.846; Official Year Book, No.38, 1951, p.760; ATO Story, pp.5, 7.
  2. Caiden, p.267; Australians, Events and Places, p.153.
  3. Figures for the cost of the war in people and money from the Australian War Memorial, Also, Caiden, p.267; Australians, Events and Places, pp.153-54.
  4. Annual report 1937-38 - 1938-39, p.7; Annual report 1940, pp.7, 11-14, 20.
  5. Annual report 1940, p.25; Annual report 1942, pp.28-29, 33, 35; Australians, Events and Places, p.155; Smith, pp.63-64.
  6. Annual report 1940, p.5; Annual report 1946-48, p.6; Annual report 1959-60, p.19.
  7. Memorandum, 17 May 1939, The Sydney Morning Herald, 29 April 1939, 2 May 1939, Extract from The Herald, 8 May 1939, Item 1951/1938, CRS A571m, NAA.
  8. Memorandum, 2 August 1940, Minute, 2 September 1940, Memorandum, 4 September 1940, Memorandum, 11 September 1940, Memorandum, 25 September 1940, Minute, 26 September 1940, Item 1951/1938, CRS A571, NAA.
  9. Memoranda, 9 December 1940, 11 December 1940, 16 December 1941, Canberra Office Procedure, 17 February 1941, Item 1951/1938, CRS A571, NAA.
  10. Annual report 1942, pp.12-13; Annual report 1951-52, p.19.
  11. Caiden, pp.172-173; Australians, Events and Places, pp.145, 156.
  12. Annual report 1943, p.5; Australians, Events and Places, p.156.
  13. Australians, Events and Places, pp.156-157, 159.
  14. Australians, Events and Places, pp.157-158.
  15. The Sydney Morning Herald, 1 September 1942; Australians, Events and Places, pp.156, 158.
  16. Press statement, 13 June 1942, Item U344/3/3, Letter, 14 August 1942, Item G344/3/1, CRS A461, NAA; Annual report 1955, p.10; Smith, p.75.
  17. Report of the Committee on Uniform Taxation, 28 March 1942, Item 1940/5108(2), CRS A571, NAA; Decoded cablegram, 27 April 1942, Item U344/3/3, CRS A461, NAA; Annual report 1942. p.10.
  18. Cyphered cable, 1 May 1942, Item U344/3/3, CRS A461, NAA.
  19. Smith, pp.75-76; Australians, Events and Places, pp.155, 158; ATO Story, Commissioners of the Australian Taxation Office (part 2).
  20. Letter, 2 October 1943, Item Fisher CE, CRS A6899, NAA; Annual report 1955, p.5; Annual report 1954-55, p.5; Annual report 1959-60, p.19; ATO Story, Memorandum, 1 April 1943, Information Materials 1910-19 to 1960-69.
  21. Letter, 24 October 1947, Item B344/3/3, CRS A461, NAA; Annual report 1942, pp.6-7; Annual report 1943, p.5; Annual report 1944, p.5; Annual report 1946, p.5; Annual report 1959-60, p.7; Caiden, pp.278-280; ATO Story, File minute, 17 July 1943, Information Material 1910-19 to 1960-69.
  22. Excerpts from Transportation Magazine, July 1943, reprinted in Savvy & Sage, September/October 2007.
  23. Conference agenda, January 1943, Item J264/1/5, CRS A7073, NAA; Annual report 1943, p.5; Annual report 1944, p.5; Annual report 1959-60, p.19; ATO Story, The 1940s.
  24. ATO Story, Information Material, 1910-19 to 1960-69.
  25. Cutting, Sunday Sun, 12 November 1944, Item M323/1/1(4), Table, 28 November 1944, Item M323/1/1(1), CRS A7073, NAA.
  26. Memoranda, 20 March 1944, 27 March 1944, 3 May 1944, 19 July 1944, 27 September 1944, 28 September 1944, 22 December 1944, 23 August 1945, 21 March 1946, 11 June 1946, 21 June 1946, Item M323/1/1(4), CRS A7073, NAA; ATO Story, The 1930s; Profile of ATO officers.
  27. Grealy; ATO Story, The 1940s; Profile of the ATO Officers; Information Materials 1910-19 to 1960-69.
  28. Tax Topics, February 1961.
  29. ATO Story, The 1940s; Program for The Quaker Girl, April 1945 in envelope of photocopied pictures, ATO Story. Also, discussion with Ken Farnham, male lead in The Quaker Girl, at the Canberra alumni Centenary celebration in Canberra on 28 May 2010, where we talked about this and other events in the Sydney branch around this time.
  30. ATO Story, Information Materials 1910-19 to 1960-69.
  31. Australians, Events and Places, pp.159-161.
  32. Annual report 1943, p.8; Australians, Events and Places, pp.157, 160-61; Smith, p.65; E Ronald Walker, The Australian Economy in War and Reconstruction, New York, 1947, pp.347-349.
  33. Conference agenda, January 1943, Item J264/1/5, CRS A7073, NAA; Annual report 1943, pp.7-8; Smith, p.65.
  34. Memoranda, 9 February 1943, 9 June 1943, Item 1943/674(2), CRS A571, NAA; Income Tax Assessment Bill 1943, Second Reading Speech, Item AG344/3/3, CRS A461, NAA.
  35. Income Tax Assessment Bill 1943, Second Reading Speech, Item AG344/3/3, CRS A461, NAA; Minutes of Conference of Deputy Commissioners, 24 April 1944, Item J264/1/7, CRS A7073, NAA.
  36. Annual report 1944, pp.8-9; Annual report 1951-52, p.19.
  37. Annual report 1946, p.8; Smith, p.66.
  38. Casualty figures from the Australian War Memorial,; Australians, Events and Places, p.161.
  39. ATO Story, Speeches by the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner, Official Welcome Home, Sydney Town Hall, Friday 10 May, 1946.
  40. Annual report 1946-48, p.6; Annual report 1959-60, p.19; Grealy; ATO Story, Information Materials 1910-19 to 1960-69.
  41. The events and achievements of this period are summarised in Australians, Events and Places, pp.162-166.
  42. Australians, Events and Places, pp.162-63, 169.
  43. Annual report 1946, p.18; Annual report 1946-48, pp.10-12, 27, 32-35; Annual report 1950, p.34; Australians, Events and Places, pp.161-63, 166.
  44. Cutting from The Argus, 6 March 1946, Item PS McGovern, CRS A6899, NAA; Annual report 1942, p.5; Annual report 1946, p.5; ATO Story, Our Story, Commissioners of the Australian Taxation Office.
  45. Press notice, c. April 1947, Item 1943/1468, CRS A571, NAA; Annual report 1946, p.5; Annual report 1946-48, pp.12-14.
  46. Memorandum, 25 June 1946, Item 1928/3333, CRS A571, NAA; Annual report 1946-48, p.6; Interviews with Alan Green, Margaret Green, Bill O'Reilly.
  47. Smith's Weekly, 5 October 1946; ATO Story, Profile of the ATO officers.
  48. The papers on Item M323/1/1 paint a vivid picture of the accommodation problems at this time. For example, Memoranda, 1 July 1946, 15 July 1946, File note, 20 December 1946, Item M323/1/1 (4), CRS A7073, NAA.
  49. Letter from the Commonwealth Public Service Clerical Association, New South Wales Branch, 11 March 1948 to the Commissioner of Taxation, Item M323/1/1 (1), CRS A7073, NAA. The letter contains many more categories of complaint.
  50. For example see Memoranda, 15 July 1948, 2 March 1949, Letters, 11 March 1949, 29 March 1949, Memoranda, 26 August 1949, 30 August 1949, Item M323/1/1 (1), CRS A7073, NAA; Cabinet Submission, 16 February 1949, Cabinet Minute, 22 February 1949, CRS A2700, NAA.
  51. For examples see Memoranda, 20 December 1946, 31 December 1946, 14 January 1947, 17 September 1947, Item M323/1/1 (4), CRS A7073, NAA.
  52. Memorandum, 20 December 1946, M323/1/1 Part 4, CRS A7073, NAA.
  53. Memoranda 31 March 1941, 3 May 1941, Item B344/3/3, CRS A461, NAA; Minutes of Conference of Deputy Commissioners, July 1949, J264/1/10, Minutes, Conference of Deputy Commissioners, 1950, Item J264/1/11, CRS A7073, NAA.
  54. Annual report 1950, p.7.
  55. Minutes of Conference of Deputy Commissioners, July 1949, Item J264/1/10, CRS A7073, NAA; Caiden, pp.322-323.
  56. Draft Public Service Board Circular, 13 April 1949, Memorandum, 24 May 1949, Item G49/73, CRS A428, NAA; Annual report 1946-48, p.6; ATO Story, Profile of the ATO officers; The 1940s.
  57. Draft Public Service Board Circular, unnumbered, Minute, 6 December 1949, Item G49/73, CRS A428, NAA.
  58. ATO Story, Programs for the Taxation Follies of 1945 and Christmas Frolics, 1950.
  59. Grealy; Official Souvenir Program, 5th Biennial Taxation offices Interstate Carnival; Various snippets in ATO Story, Profile of the ATO officers; Interview with Alan Green, Margaret Green.
  60. Daily Mirror, 9 September 1946.
  61. Cuttings from Smith's Weekly, 6 July 1946, 13 July 1946, Extracts from CPD, 29 January 1943, 4 February 1943, Item U344/3/4, CRS A461, NAA; Cutting from The Sydney Morning Herald, 15 May 1944, Item J269/30, CRS A7073, NAA; Caiden, pp.266, 281.
  62. The Sydney Morning Herald, 5 September 1946, 9 September 1946, 20 September 1946, 21 September 1946, 24 September 1946; Letter, 13 November 1946, Item M323/1/1 (4), Minute, 31 May 1948, Item J78/79 (1), CRS A7073, NAA.
  63. Memorandum, 25 May 1948, Press release, 2 July 1948, Item J78/91 (1), CRS A7073, NAA.
  64. Memorandum, 25 May 1948, Item J78/98 (1), CRS A7073, NAA.
  65. Memoranda, 29 July 1948, 7 September 1948, 8 October 1948, 7 January 1949, 13 February 1950, Item J78/98 (1), CRS A7073, NAA.
  66. Memorandum, 27 April 1949, Item J78/98 (1), Minutes of Conference of Deputy Commissioners, July 1949, Item J264/1/10, CRS A7073, NAA.
  67. File minute, 24 May 1950, Memorandum, 22 June 1950, Item J78/98 (1), CRS A7073, NAA; Annual report 1950, p.10.
  68. Memorandum, 1 July 1948, Press release, 2 July 1948, Minutes of Conference, August 1948, Item J209/44, CRS A7073, NAA.
  69. Press statement, 2 July 1948, J78/98 Part 1, CRS A7073, NAA.
  70. Minutes, Conference of Departmental Officers, January 1948, Item J264/15/1, Minutes of Conference of Deputy Commissioners, July 1949, J264/1/10, CRS A7073, NAA.
  71. Minutes of Conference of Deputy Commissioners, July 1949, Item J264/1/10, CRS A7073, NAA.
