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Part A - Working out the partnership's gross turnover

Last updated 3 May 2020

Step 1: Partnership's gross revenue



Work out the partnership's gross revenue as shown in the partnership's accounts


Step 2: Total gross revenue

Work out the following amounts included in a

Do not include these amounts in the ratio:

Category of gross revenue


Amounts already assessed in Australia


Amounts from a branch in a listed country


Dividends out of profits previously attributed


Trust amounts


Total in b


Step 3: Other gross revenue

Work out the following gross amounts included in a

Do not count amounts already excluded under step 2. The net amounts are added back at step 4.

Category of gross revenue


Revenue from commodity contracts


Revenue from exchange gains


Revenue from other asset disposals


Revenue from other asset disposals


Total in c


Step 4: Net gains included in gross turnover

Work out net gains included in gross turnover

Do not count amounts that fall into the categorises in Step 2

Category of net gain


Net commodity gain


Net exchange gain


Net gain from other asset disposals


Total in d


Gross turnover of the partnership in A
(a − b − c + d)

