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Deduction for project pool

How to claim deductions for certain capital expenditure when you lodge your return using myTax.

Last updated 26 May 2016

Complete this section if you had capital expenditure directly connected with a project.

You may be able to claim a deduction at this section for capital expenditure allocated to a project pool for a project you:

  • operated in 2015–16 for a taxable purpose
  • carried on, or proposed to carry on, for a taxable purpose which was abandoned, sold or otherwise disposed of in 2015–16, before or after it started to operate.

A depreciating asset is an asset that has a limited effective life and can reasonably be expected to decline in value over the time it is used.

A taxable purpose is the purpose of producing assessable income, the purpose of exploration or prospecting, the purpose of mining site rehabilitation or environmental protection activities.

Certain capital expenditure you incurred after 30 June 2001, which was directly connected with a project that you carried on (or proposed to carry on) for a taxable purpose, can be allocated to a project pool and written off over the 'project life'. The expenditure must not otherwise be deductible or form part of the cost of a depreciating asset you hold or held.

Such capital expenditure, known as a 'project amount', is expenditure incurred:

  • to create or upgrade community infrastructure for a community associated with the project; this expenditure must be paid, not just incurred, to be a project amount
  • for site preparation for depreciating assets (other than in draining swamp or low-lying land or for clearing land for horticultural plants)
  • for feasibility studies or environmental assessments for the project
  • to obtain information associated with the project
  • in seeking to obtain a right to intellectual property
  • for ornamental trees or shrubs.

The project amounts are allocated to a 'project pool'. Each project has a separate project pool.

If you are unsure if the capital expenditure you incurred qualifies as a project amount, see Guide to depreciating assets 2016.

You spread your deduction for project amounts allocated to a project pool over the project life:

  • The project life is the period from when the project starts to operate until when it stops operating.
  • The project life is not determined by how long you intend to carry on the project. Factors outside your control, such as something inherent in the project such as a legislative or environmental restriction that limits the project's operating period, are relevant to estimating the project life.
  • If there is no finite project life, there is no project and therefore no deduction is available under these rules.

You start to deduct amounts for a project pool for the income year when the project starts to operate. So, if you started to operate a project in the 2015–16 income year for a taxable purpose, a deduction is available for that year.

If your project operated in 2015–16 for purposes other than taxable purposes, you must reduce the deduction amount by a reasonable amount for the extent to which the project operated for other than taxable purposes.

If, in the 2015–16 income year, you:

  • recouped an amount of expenditure allocated to the project pool, or
  • derived a capital amount in relation to a project amount or something on which a project amount was expended

then the amount is assessable income and must be shown at Other income.

Completing this section

  1. For each project pool, use Step 1 to Step 4 to work out your project pool deduction.
  2. For each project pool, select Add and enter information into the corresponding fields.
    Where Step 4 instructs you to write an amount at D item D13, enter this in myTax at Amount.
  3. Select Save.
