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Service responses

Information on services responses.

Last updated 21 March 2021

EmployerTICK compares employee details received in the request against information held in our client register.

Complex data matching processes are used to determine whether the employee details provided can be matched against our records to the appropriate level of confidence.

For successfully processed messages, EmployerTICK will provide one of three responses for a successfully validated request:

  • matched
  • matched and corrected TFN
  • unmatched.


If the employee details supplied are matched to an ATO client with a high level of confidence a ‘matched’ response will be returned through the system. A ‘matched’ response confirms the TFN data held by the employer is correct.

There is no need to update your records. You may proceed with the first contribution.

Matched and corrected TFN

Where we match the employee details to a different TFN than the one provided, we will provide you with the corrected TFN.

You should update your records to delete the incorrect TFN and record the correct number. A corrected TFN is a notice under section 202CE of the ITAA 1936. Penalties may apply for continuing to use the incorrect TFN.


A response of ‘unmatched’ means we were unable to match the employee details provided to our records with an appropriate level of confidence. The discrepancy could be caused by either the employer or us having incorrect data.

We may have been unable to match the employee details for one of the following reasons:

  • the employee has provided you with incorrect details
  • the records held by us are incorrect
  • the TFN has a protected (eg people with a public profile), compromised or duplicate status on our systems
  • our data matching system cannot establish a single match to a high enough level of confidence.

To update or confirm details on our systems, individuals should phone 13 28 61. They should have a copy of a personalised ATO document (such as an income tax assessment from the last three years) for identity purposes.

You should revalidate your employee’s details subsequent to their details being updated on our systems.

Where an ‘unmatched’ response is received you should refer to your internal business processes. You may request further information to support the first contribution.

See Update your TFN details – for individuals for more information.
