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The only way to request lodgment deferrals

Last updated 24 September 2023

The lodgment deferral function in Online services for agents is now the only way to request lodgment deferrals. You can access it under the Reports and forms menu.

Since its launch on 21 April 2023, the new lodgment deferral function has significantly reduced the number of errors and delays you may have experienced when using the spreadsheet application forms. The function populates and validates data as you go. You’ll also receive a response within 48 hours if your request meets agent-assessed or new or re-engaged client guidelines.

Following the successful implementation of the function, we removed phone deferrals and are now taking the final step to decommission the old process. We are removing ATO-assessed, agent-assessed, and new or re-engaged lodgment deferral mail subjects from Practice mail in Online services for agents. From 1 October 2023, you'll no longer have the ability to submit spreadsheet application forms for processing.

We understand that any improvement means a change to how you do things in your practice. So, if you haven't made the switch, the following will support you:
