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When we collect information from others

When collect information about individuals from third parties we provide information about who we collect this information from.

Last updated 6 March 2016

We collect personal information from a number of sources. As well as obtaining your personal information directly from you, the law allows us to collect personal information about you from other people and entities. Third party information allows us to ensure the accuracy of information provided to us. Collecting information from a variety of sources helps us to identify people who may not be complying with their taxation obligations.

Sometimes you may not be aware that we have received this information about you.

Some of the third parties we collect information from are listed below.


Employers and other payers who make payments under the Pay As You Go (PAYG) withholding system must report to us about the payments they make. We also collect personal information relating to payments made to contractors and suppliers if they do not quote an Australian business number (ABN).

Banks, financial institutions and share registries

Financial institutions must send us information about their customers’ investments and investment income.

Super funds

We collect information from employers, super funds and other intermediaries in order to deal with requests related to superannuation.

Treaty partners

Just as we disclose information to treaty partners overseas, authorities in other countries share information with us under international tax agreements.

Government agencies and other statutory authorities

Government agencies (such as Services Australia) and state and territory revenue offices provide us with personal information. We need this information to help us administer taxation laws. If this information is not collected, we are unable to determine your income tax obligations and entitlements accurately. In some circumstances, the law allows disclosures of your personal information for reasons other than administering the taxation laws.

Taxation forms

Not only do we collect personal information from an individual's tax returns, we also collect information about individuals associated with partnerships, trusts and companies when those organisations lodge returns. In most cases, the individuals concerned will know they have provided personal information.

Data-matching programs

When we undertake data-matching programs, we are committed to voluntarily complying with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s Data-matching in Commonwealth administration guidelines. Before we begin a data-matching program, we advertise in the Commonwealth Notices Gazette.

See also:
