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Office of the Australian Information Commissioner

The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner includes the Freedom of Information Commissioner and the Privacy Commissioner. The office reviews the ATO's compliance with information transparency, freedom of information and privacy legislation.

Last updated 6 March 2016

The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC)External Link is an independent statutory agency, established under the Australian Information Commissioner Act 2010.

The OAIC was established as part of a major reform of federal freedom of information (FOI) law made during 2010. The OAIC brings together in one agency the functions of information policy advice and independent oversight of privacy protection and FOI access.

The three main functions of the OAIC are:

  • Information Commissioner (advising the Australian Government and agencies on information policy and management practice)
  • privacy (protecting the privacy of individuals by ensuring proper handling of personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 and other legislation)
  • freedom of information (promoting awareness of the public's right of access, under the Freedom of Information Act 1982, to documents held by the Australian Government).

The OAIC carries out a range of activities in these three core areas, including monitoring statutory compliance, investigations, privacy audits, complaint handling, merit review of FOI decisions, providing advice to government agencies and businesses across Australia, education and awareness, and promoting responsible information-handling within government and the private sector.
