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Unit mapping

Last updated 14 July 2020

Unit mapping for Stage 2


  • EN2-1A communicates in a range of informal and formal contexts by adopting a range of roles in group, classroom, school and community contexts – topics 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
  • EN2-2A plans, composes and reviews a range of texts that are more demanding in terms of topic, audience and language – topics 2, 4, 5, 6
  • EN2-4A uses an increasing range of skills, strategies and knowledge to fluently read, view and comprehend a range of texts on increasingly challenging topics in different media and technologies – topic 5
  • EN2-6B identifies the effect of purpose and audience on spoken texts, distinguishes between different forms of English and identifies organisational patterns and features – topics 3, 6
  • EN2-7B identifies and uses language forms and features in their own writing appropriate to a range of purposes, audiences and contexts – topics 2, 4, 5, 6
  • EN2-9B uses effective and accurate sentence structure, grammatical features, punctuation conventions and vocabulary relevant to the type of text when responding to and composing texts – topics 2, 4, 5, 6
  • ENe-11D responds to and composes simple texts about familiar aspects of the world and their own experiences – topic 5
  • EN2-12E recognises and uses an increasing range of strategies to reflect on their own and others’ learning – topics 1, 3, 6


  • MA2-1WM uses appropriate terminology to describe, and symbols to represent, mathematical ideas – topics 2, 5
  • MA2-2WM selects and uses appropriate mental or written strategies, or technology, to solve problems – topics 2, 4, 5
  • MA2-3WM checks the accuracy of a statement and explains the reasoning used – topics 2, 5
  • MA2-4NA applies place value to order, read and represent numbers of up to five digits – topic 5
  • MA2-5NA uses mental and written strategies for addition and subtraction involving two-, three-, four- and five-digit numbers – topics 2, 4, 5
  • MA2-6NA uses mental and informal written strategies for multiplication and division – topics 4, 5
  • MA2-7NA represents, models and compares commonly used fractions and decimals – topic 2


  • GE2-1 examines features and characteristics of places and environments – topics 4, 6
  • GE2-4 acquires and communicates geographical information using geographical tools for inquiry – topics 4, 6

Health and Physical Education

  • PD2-3 explains how empathy, inclusion and respect can positively influence relationships – topics 1, 6
  • PD2-7 describes strategies to make home and school healthy, safe and physically active spaces – topics 3, 4, 6
  • PD2-9 demonstrates self-management skills to respond to their own and others’ actions – topics 2, 3, 6
  • PD2-10 demonstrates a range of interpersonal skills that build and enhance relationships and promote inclusion in various situations – topics 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

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Unit mapping for learning across the curriculum


Comprehending texts through listening, reading, and viewing element

  • 1.1 Comprehend texts – topic 5
  • 1.2 Navigate, read and view learning area texts – topics 5, 6
  • 1.3 Listen and respond to learning area texts – topics 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • 1.4 Interpret and analyse learning area texts – topics 3, 4, 5

Composing texts through listening, reading, and viewing element

  • 2.1 Compose texts – topics 1, 2, 3, 5, 6
  • 2.2 Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts – topics 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
  • 2.3 Use language to interact with others – topics 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6
  • 2.4 Deliver presentations – topic 6

Text knowledge element

  • 3.1 Use knowledge of text structures – topic 6
  • 3.2 Use knowledge of text cohesion – topic 6

Grammar knowledge element

  • 4.1 Use knowledge of sentence structures – topic 6
  • 4.2 Use knowledge of words and word groups – topic 6
  • 4.3 Express opinion and point of view – topics 1, 2, 3, 6

Word knowledge element

  • 5.1 Understand learning area vocabulary – topic 6
  • 5.2 Use spelling knowledge – topic 6

Visual knowledge element

  • 6.1 Understand how visual elements create meaning – topics 1, 3, 4, 5


Estimating and calculating with whole numbers element

  • 1.1 Understand and use numbers in context – topics 4, 5
  • 1.2 Estimate and calculate – topics 2, 4, 5
  • 1.3 Use money – topics 2, 4

Recognising and using patterns and relationships element

  • 2.1 Recognise and use patterns and relationships – topic 4

Using fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios and rates element

  • 3.1 Interpret proportional reasoning – topic 2

Using spatial reasoning element

  • 4.2 Interpret maps and diagrams – topic 4

Interpreting statistical information element

  • 5.1 Interpret data displays – topic 6

Information and Communication Technology capability (ICT)

Investigating with ICT element

  • 2.1 Define and plan information searches – topic 4
  • 2.2 Locate, generate and access data and information – topic 4

Creating with ICT element

  • 3.1 Generate ideas, plans and processes – topics 3, 6
  • 3.2 Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks – topics 2, 3, 4, 6

Managing and operating ICT element

  • 5.1 Select and use hardware and software – topics 2, 3, 4, 6

Critical creative thinking

Inquiring – Identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas element

  • 1.2 Identify and clarify information and ideas – topics 1, 4, 5, 6
  • 1.3 Organise and process information – topics 4, 5, 6

Generating ideas, possibilities and actions element

  • 2.1 Imagine possibilities and connect ideas – topic 3
  • 2.2 Consider alternatives – topics 3, 5
  • 2.3 Seek solutions and put ideas into action – topics 2, 3, 5

Reflecting on thinking and processes element

  • 3.1 Think about thinking (metacognition) – topics 1, 2
  • 3.2 Reflect on processes – topic 3
  • 3.3 Transfer knowledge into new contexts – topics 2, 3

Analysing, synthesising and evaluating reasoning and procedures element

  • 4.1 Apply logic and reasoning – topics 1, 2, 3, 5, 6
  • 4.2 Draw conclusions and design a course of action – topics 2, 3, 6
  • 4.3 Evaluate procedures and outcomes – topics 2, 3, 6

Personal social capability

Self-awareness element

  • 1.1 Recognise emotions – topics 2, 3
  • 1.2 Recognise personal qualities and achievements – topics 1, 3
  • 1.4 Develop reflective practice – topics 1, 3

Self-management element

  • 2.2 Develop self-discipline and set goals – topic 5

Social awareness element

  • 3.1 Appreciate diverse perspectives – topics 1, 5, 6
  • 3.2 Contribute to civil society – topics 1, 6
  • 3.3 Understand relationships – topics 1, 2

Social management element

  • 4.1 Communicate effectively – topics 1, 2
  • 4.2 Work collaboratively – topics 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • 4.3 Make decisions – topics 2, 3, 5
  • 4.5 Develop leadership skills – topic 6

Ethical understanding

Understanding ethical concepts and issues element

  • 1.1 Recognise ethical concepts – topics 2, 3
  • 1.2 Explore ethical concepts in context – topics 2, 3

Reasoning in decision making and actions element

  • 2.1 Reason and make ethical decisions – topics 2, 3
  • 2.2 Consider consequences – topics 2, 3
  • 2.3 Reflect on ethical action – topic 3

Exploring values, rights and responsibilities element

  • 3.2 Explore rights and responsibilities – topics 3, 6
  • 3.3 Consider points of view – topics 2, 3

Intercultural understanding

Recognising culture and developing respect element

  • 1.1 Investigate culture and cultural identity – topic 1
  • 1.3 Develop respect for cultural diversity – topics 1, 6

Interacting and empathising with others element

  • 2.2 Consider and develop multiple perspectives – topics 5, 6
  • 2.3 Empathise with others – topics 3, 6

Interacting with others element

  • 3.2 Challenge stereotypes and prejudices – topic 1

Civics and citizenship

  • Topics 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Difference and diversity

  • Topics 1, 6

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Foundation to Year 2 Assessment

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