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Mapping for topic 3

Last updated 13 July 2020

The following maps Paying It Forward, Year 5 and Year 6, Topic 3: Collecting tax fairly to the Victorian syllabuses.

Mapping for topic 3 level 5


Speaking and listening

  • Clarify understanding of content as it unfolds in formal and informal situations, connecting ideas to students’ own experiences, and present and justify a point of view or recount an experience using interaction skills (VCELY337) – activities 2, 3, 4, 5


  • Solve problems involving division by a one-digit number, including those that result in a remainder (VCMNA184) – activity 4
  • Use efficient mental and written strategies and apply appropriate digital technologies to solve problems (VCMNA185) – activities 3, 4
  • Compare and order common unit fractions and locate and represent them on a number line (VCMNA187) – activity 2
  • Recognise that the place value system can be extended beyond hundredths (VCMNA189) – activity 2
  • Compare, order and represent decimals (VCMNA190) – activity 2

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Mapping for topic 3 level 6


Speaking and listening

  • Participate in and contribute to discussions, clarifying and interrogating ideas, developing and supporting arguments, sharing and evaluating information, experiences and opinions, and use interaction skills, varying conventions of spoken interactions according to group size, formality of interaction and needs and expertise of the audience (VCELY366) – activities 2, 3, 4, 5


  • Select and apply efficient mental and written strategies and appropriate digital technologies to solve problems involving all four operations with whole numbers and make estimates for these computations (VCMNA209) – activities 3, 4
  • Compare fractions with related denominators and locate and represent them on a number line (VCMNA211) – activity 2
  • Find a simple fraction of a quantity where the result is a whole number, with and without digital technologies(VCMNA213) – activity 2
  • Make connections between equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages (VCMNA217) – activity 2

Health and Physical Education

  • Participate positively in groups and teams by encouraging others and negotiating roles and responsibilities (VCHPEM120) – activities 3, 5

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Mapping for topic 3 general capabilities

Critical and creative thinking


  • Consider the importance of giving reasons and evidence and how the strength of these can be evaluated (VCCCTR025) – activities 2, 3, 5


  • Investigate how ideas and problems can be disaggregated into smaller elements or ideas, how criteria can be used to identify gaps in existing knowledge, and assess and test ideas and proposals (VCCCTM031) – activity 5

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