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Mapping for topic 4

Last updated 13 July 2020

The following maps Paying It Forward, Year 5 and Year 6, Topic 4: Responsible government spending to the Victorian syllabuses.

Mapping for topic 4 level 5


Speaking and listening

  • Clarify understanding of content as it unfolds in formal and informal situations, connecting ideas to students’ own experiences, and present and justify a point of view or recount an experience using interaction skills (VCELY337) – activities 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6


  • Create simple financial plans (VCMNA191) – activity 5
  • Use a grid reference system to describe locations. Describe routes using landmarks and directional language (VCMMG199) – activity 5
  • Pose questions and collect categorical or numerical data by observation or survey (VCMSP205) – activities 3, 5
  • Construct displays, including column graphs, dot plots and tables, appropriate for data type, with and without the use of digital technologies (VCMSP206) – activities 3, 5

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Mapping for topic 4 level 6


Speaking and listening

  • Participate in and contribute to discussions, clarifying and interrogating ideas, developing and supporting arguments, sharing and evaluating information, experiences and opinions, and use interaction skills, varying conventions of spoken interactions according to group size, formality of interaction and needs and expertise of the audience (VCELY366) – activities 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6


  • Introduce the Cartesian coordinate system using all four quadrants (VCMMG230) – activity 5
  • Construct, interpret and compare a range of data displays, including side-by-side column graphs for two categorical variables (VCMSP235) – activity 3

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Mapping for topic 4 Levels 5 and 6

Economics and business

  • Describe the difference between needs and wants and explain why choices need to be made (VCEBR001) – activities 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Explore the concept of opportunity cost and explain how it involves choices about the alternative use of limited resources and the need to consider trade-offs (VCEBR002) – activities 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


  • Represent the location of places and other types of geographical data and information in different forms including diagrams, field sketches and large-scale and small-scale maps that conform to cartographic conventions of border, scale, legend, title, north point and source; using digital and spatial technologies as appropriate (VCGGC089) – activity 5
  • Environmental and human influences on the location and characteristics of places and the management of spaces within them (VCGGK096) – activities 5, 6

Health and Physical Education

  • Explore how participation in outdoor activities supports personal and community health and wellbeing and creates connections to the natural and built environment (VCHPEP113) – activity 5
  • Participate positively in groups and teams by encouraging others and negotiating roles and responsibilities (VCHPEM120) – activities 4, 5, 6

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Mapping for topic 4 general capabilities

Critical and creative thinking

Questions and possibilities

  • Identify and form links and patterns from multiple information sources to generate non-routine ideas and possibilities (VCCCTQ023) – activity 5

Ethical capability

Understanding concepts

  • Examine the contested meaning of concepts including truth and happiness and the extent to which these concepts are and should be valued (VCECU009) – activities 3, 4, 5
  • Discuss how ethical principles can be used as the basis for action, considering the influence of cultural norms, religion, world views and philosophical thought on these principles (VCECU010) – activities 4, 5

Decision making and actions

  • Discuss the role and significance of conscience and reasoning in ethical decision-making (VCECD013) – activity 4

Intercultural capability

Cultural practices

  • Analyse how aspects of their own and others lifestyle, behaviour, attitudes and beliefs can be culturally influenced (VCICCB009) – activity 4

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