The following maps Paying It Forward, Foundation to Year 2, Topic 4: Rules and responsibilities in the classroom to the Western Australia syllabuses.
Mapping for topic 4 pre-primary
Language for interaction
- Understand that language can be used to explore ways of expressing needs, likes and dislikes (ACELA1429) – activities 3, 5
Expressing and developing ideas
- Recognise that sentences are key units for expressing ideas (ACELA1435) – activity 3
- Understand the use of vocabulary in familiar contexts related to everyday experiences, personal interests and topics taught at school (ACELA1437) – activity 3
Creating literature
- Innovate on familiar texts through play (ACELT1831) – activities 5, 6
Interacting with others
- Listen to and respond orally to texts and to the communication of others in informal and structured classroom situations (ACELY1646) – activities 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
- Use interaction skills including listening while others speak, using appropriate voice levels, articulation and body language, gestures and eye contact (ACELY1784) – activities 4, 5, 6, 7
- Deliver short oral presentations to peers (ACELY1647) – activity 7
Interpreting, analysing, evaluation
- Read decodable and predictable texts, practising phrasing and fluency, and monitor meaning using concepts about print and emerging contextual, semantic, grammatical and phonic knowledge (ACELY1649) – activity 3
Creating texts
- Create short texts to explore, record and report ideas and events using familiar words and beginning writing knowledge (ACELY1651) – activities 2, 3
Health and Physical Education
- Personal and social skills to interact with others: expressing needs, wants and feelings, active listening, self-discipline (ACPPS004) – activities 4, 5, 6, 7
- Appropriate language and actions to communicate feelings in different situations (ACPPS005) – activity 1
- Actions that promote health, safety and wellbeing, such as: eating healthy food, practising appropriate personal hygiene routines, identifying household substances that can be dangerous, following safety symbols and procedures (ACPPS006) – activities 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
- Use of stimuli (photos, sounds or music) to develop dramatic action about the real and imagined worlds (ACADRM027) – activities 6, 7
- Exploration and experimentation of two (2) elements of drama: voice (loud, soft) movement (big, small) to create drama (ACADRM028) – activities 6, 7
- Simple stories based on stimuli and available technologies (ACADRM029) – activities 6, 7
- Audience behaviour (being attentive, responding appropriately) when viewing drama (ACADRR030) – activity 7
Visual Arts
- Development of artistic skills through experimentation with: shape (familiar shapes; simple 2D shapes) colour (primary colours, secondary colours) line (curved, straight, wavy, zigzag) texture (familiar objects) to create artwork (ACAVAM107) – activity 2
- Sharing artwork with others (ACAVAM108) – activity 2
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Mapping for topic 4 Year 1
Language for interaction
- Explore different ways of expressing emotions, including verbal, visual, body language and facial expressions (ACELA1787) – activities 6, 7
- Expressing and developing ideas Understand the use of vocabulary in everyday contexts as well as a growing number of school contexts, including appropriate use of formal and informal terms of address in different contexts (ACELA1454) – activity 3
Creating literature
- Innovate on familiar texts by using similar characters, repetitive patterns or vocabulary (ACELA1832) – activities 6, 7
Interacting with others
- Engage in conversations and discussions, using active listening behaviours, showing interest, and contributing ideas, information and questions (ACELY1656) – activities 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
- Use interaction skills including turn-taking, recognising the contributions of others, speaking clearly and using appropriate volume and pace (ACELY1788) 4, 5, 6, 7
- Make short presentations using some introduced text structures and language, for example opening statements (ACELY1657) – activity 7
Interpreting, analysing, evaluation
- Read decodable and predictable texts using developing phrasing, fluency, contextual, semantic, grammatical and phonic knowledge and emerging text processing strategies, for example prediction, monitoring meaning and rereading (ACELY1659) – activity 3
Creating texts
- Create short imaginative and informative texts that show emerging use of appropriate text structure, sentence level grammar, word choice, spelling, punctuation and appropriate multimodal elements, for example illustrations and diagrams (ACELY1661) – activities 2, 3
Health and Physical Education
- Appreciation and encouragement of the behaviour of others through the use of manners positive language praise (ACPPS019) – activities 4, 5, 6, 7
- Actions that support a safe classroom, such as: moving around safely sharing appropriately following class rules (ACPPS022) – activities 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
- Importance of rules and fair play in partner, group activities and minor games (ACPMP032) – activities 6, 7
- Use of dramatic action to sequence events to communicate an idea or message (ACADRM027) – activities 6, 7
- Exploration and experimentation of three (3) elements of drama: voice (loud, soft, varying loud and soft) movement (big, small, use of facial expressions) role (fictional character) to create drama (ACADRM028) – activities 6, 7
- Use of known stories and personal experiences to create drama with simple objects and available technologies (ACADRM029) – activities 6, 7
- Audience behaviour (paying attention to the development of a story) when viewing drama (ACADRR030) – activity 7
Visual Arts
- Exploration of different materials, media and/or technologies, when creating artwork (ACAVAM107) – activity 2
- Display of artwork (ACAVAM108) – activity 2
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Mapping for topic 4 Year 2
Interacting with others
- Listen for specific purposes and information, including instructions, and extend students’ own and others’ ideas in discussions (ACELY1666) – activities 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
- Use interaction skills including initiating topics, making positive statements and voicing disagreement in an appropriate manner, speaking clearly and varying tone, volume and pace appropriately (ACELY1789) – activities 4, 5, 6, 7
- Rehearse and deliver short presentations on familiar and new topics (ACELY1667) – activity 7
Creating texts
- Create short imaginative, informative and persuasive texts using growing knowledge of text structures and language features for familiar and some less familiar audiences, selecting print and multimodal elements appropriate to the audience and purpose (ACELY1671) – activities 2, 3
Health and Physical Education
- Strategies to include others in activities and games (ACPPS019) – activities 4, 5, 6, 7
- Actions that keep people safe and healthy in and outside the classroom, such as: staying hydrated being sun smart following school rules – activities 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
- Importance of rules and fair play in partner, group activities and minor games (ACPMP032) – activities 2, 6, 7
- Use of dramatic action to sequence events communicating an idea, message or story (ACADRM027) – activities 6, 7
- Exploration and experimentation of four (4) elements of drama: voice (loud, soft, varying loud and soft; pace and pitch) movement (big, small; use of facial expressions; gestures; posture) role (fictional character; listening and responding in role) situation (establishing a fictional setting and relating to it in role) to create drama (ACADRM028) – activities 6, 7
- Development of drama to communicate important personal events or fictional stories using objects, puppets, images and/or available technologies (ACADRM029) – activities 6, 7
- Use of dramatic action to sequence events communicating an idea, message or story (ACADRM027) – activity 7
Visual Arts
- Use and experiment with different materials, techniques, technologies and processes to make artworks (ACAVAM107) – activity 2
- Create and display artworks to communicate ideas to an audience (ACAVAM108) – activity 2
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Mapping for topic 4 general capabilities
Comprehending texts through listening, reading, and viewing element
- 1.1 Comprehend texts – activity 3
- 1.2 Navigate, read and view learning area texts – activity 3
- 1.3 Listen and respond to learning area texts – activity 1
- 1.4 Interpret and analyse learning area texts – activity 1
Composing texts through listening, reading, and viewing element
- 2.1 Compose texts – activities 3, 7
- 2.2 Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts – activities 3, 7
- 2.3 Use language to interact with others – activities 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Visual knowledge element
- 6.1 Understand how visual elements create meaning – activities 6, 7
Critical and creative thinking
Inquiring – Identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas element
- 1.3 Organise and process information – activity 1
Reflecting on thinking and processes element
- 3.3 Transfer knowledge into new contexts – activity 7
Personal and social capability
Self-awareness element
- 1.1 Recognise emotions – activity 7
Social management element
- 4.5 Develop leadership skills – activity 7
Ethical understanding
Understanding ethical concepts and issues element
- 1.1 Recognise ethical concepts – activities 1, 3, 6, 7
- 1.2 Explore ethical concepts in context – activities 3, 6, 7
Reasoning in decision making and actions element
- 2.2 Consider consequences – activities 1, 3
Exploring values, rights and responsibilities element
- 3.2 Explore rights and responsibilities – activities 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
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