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Topic 1 – Belonging and inclusion

This primary school resource focuses on establishing strong foundations for learning about tax and super.

Last updated 27 February 2020

This primary school resource focuses on teaching values and actions to help establish strong foundations for learning about tax and super.


Tax talk

  • I am a member of the community.

Learning intention

In this topic, students:

  • explore what makes them unique
  • understand that everyone is different but also have things in common
  • understand what makes a group
  • identify groups and places where they feel a sense of belonging
  • understand that the groups and places they are connected to can be funded by government.

Focus questions

  • What is my identity?
  • Where do I belong?


  1. Introduction – Simon says
  2. Understanding identity – who am I?
  3. What is a group – yes/no walk
  4. Identifying groups and places I belong – individual writing/drawing
  5. Exploring funding sources – checklist and homework
  6. Reflection – I used to think…


Some resources are available as both a PDF and as accessible text. If a resource does not have a text version and you need an accessible version, email us at

Topic 1 resources

Australian Curriculum Connections


  • English
  • HASS
  • HPE

General capabilities

  • Literacy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding

Curriculum mapping

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Introduction – Simon says

  1. Explain to students that they will play a version of Simon Says in which only some students will respond to each command.
  2. Ask students to remember the commands you use.
  3. Lead a game of Simon Says. Provide directions such as:      
    • Simon says, 'Everyone who is a child, stand up.'
    • Simon says, 'Everyone who has a dog as a pet, put your right hand on your head.'
    • Simon says, 'Everyone whose favourite sport is soccer, stand on one foot.'
    • Simon says, 'Everyone who speaks more than one language, jump up and down.'
    • Simon says, 'Everyone who has brothers and sisters, bend your knees'.
    • Simon says, 'Everyone who is kind, nod your head'.
    • Simon says, 'Everyone who is funny, shake your head'.
    • Simon says, 'Everyone who likes being on their own, give yourself a hug'.
    • Simon says, 'Everyone who goes to church, mosque or temple, shake your hands'.
    • Simon says, 'Everyone who lives near the beach, put your arms in the air'.
    • Simon says, 'Everyone who goes to school, sit down'
  4. Ask students what they noticed about the questions (for example, questions were about what you like to do, where you live, what sort of person you are, groups you belong to and so on).

Teacher tip

Choose categories appropriate for your students eg. age, gender, physical attributes, religion, beliefs and values, ethnicity, culture, strengths, friendships, family, interests, sports, clubs.

Do not compel students to disclose personal information and be aware of peer pressure and judgment.

Understanding identity – who am I?

This activity may contribute to student portfolios.

  1. Give each student a copy of the ‘My identity’ template (Resource 1 – PDF, 95KBThis link will download a file).
  2. Using the template students add words, pictures, symbols or drawings that are important to them and describe what makes them unique (refer to the Simon Says game).
  3. Use the following prompts:    
    • What are you like on the outside? (your physical appearance such as hair and eye colour)
    • What are you like on the inside? (such as religion, age, hobbies, personality)
    • What are you good at?
    • What are your experiences? (such as people and places)
  4. Ask:      
    • Could someone else have completed the ‘My identity template’ for you without asking you?
    • Would they like someone else to label them/ choose your identity?
    • Is it OK to label other people?
    • What kind of effect could this have?
  5. Use a grouping strategy (Resource 2 – PDF, 131KBThis link will download a file) to form groups of 4 or 5. Remind students of the importance of listening and being respectful.
  6. Students share their completed ‘My identity’ template with group members. They:      
    • explain what is important to them and why
    • find things they have in common with others.
  7. Display the completed My identity templates around the classroom to demonstrate the diversity of identities.
  8. Ask students what they have learned about diversity, respect and inclusion.

What is a group? – yes or no walk

  1. Ask students for some examples of groups.
  2. Record student responses on the board.
  3. Label one end of the room 'No' and the other end 'Yes.'
  4. Read a statement to which students respond by moving to the end that best represents their view.
  5. When all students have moved to an end, allow each end to chat to each other about why they moved there.
  6. Invite a student from each end to explain to the whole class why he or she moved there.
  7. Invite students to switch ends if they have changed their mind after listening to others.

Sample statements

  • Two people can be a group.
  • Being a member of a group helps make me who I am.
  • I behave differently in different groups.
  • We choose the groups to which we belong.
  • Groups only include people who like each other.
  • Members of a group feel responsible to one another.
  • People outside the group can help the group.
  • People in a group take care of each other.
  • Some groups need money or support from outside the group.

Identifying groups and places I belong – individual writing or drawing

This activity may contribute to student portfolios.

  1. Students divide a piece of blank paper into quarters (fold or draw lines).
  2. On the top right-hand corner, students draw and label as many groups to which they belong (for example, classroom, sports team, neighbourhood, family, church group).
  3. Under this quarter, students describe how and why they belong to these groups
  4. On the top left-hand corner, students draw and label some of the places they feel connected to (for example, school, playground, bedroom, library, church, scout hall).
  5. Under this quarter, students write explain and why they are connected to these places.
  6. Display student work around the classroom.

Exploring funding sources – checklist and homework

  1. Explain to students that there are many groups that they belong to and places they visit that rely on funding or money and volunteers.
  2. Hand out Resource 3 – PDF, 79KBThis link will download a file – Funding sources worksheet.
  3. Students:      
    • add one of their groups and one of their places to the top row of the Funding sources worksheet (Resource 3 – PDF, 79KBThis link will download a file)
    • tick the possible sources of funding/money for each of the groups and places. (it’s OK to guess and they can add extra sources on the blank rows).
  4. Ask:      
    • How might you check where the money comes from?
    • Where would you go to find out?
    • Who could you ask? Would you trust this person?

Reflection – I used to think…

  1. Sit in a circle and invite students to complete the sentence: 'I used to think… but now I think…'

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