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Topic 6 Improving my community (Year 3)

Last updated 1 July 2020

Activity 1 part 1

Achievement Standard





What students do

Students interpret and compare data displays

Students conduct simple data investigations for categorical variables

Students explain the importance of making decisions democratically

Students pose questions and collect information from sources, including observations


interprets data displays to draw reasoned conclusions about the most popular government service and compares a range of different displays to evaluate their effectiveness

independently plans and conducts data investigations on the most popular government service in relation to more than two categorical variables (e.g.service, hobbies, age, gender)

provides a considered explanation of the importance of making decisions democratically and identifies issues that arise from alternative ways to make decisions

effectively poses questions to inform a survey and collects data from well-designed surveys about student preferences for a range of government services


interprets data displays to draw conclusions about the most popular government service and compares different displays to select and justify the most effective display

plans and conducts data investigations on the most popular government service in relation to more than one categorical variables (e.g.service, hobbies, age, gender)

provides an informed explanation of the importance of making decisions democratically

poses questions to inform a survey and collects data from well- designed surveys about student preferences for a range of government services


interprets data displays to decide the most popular government service and compares different displays to identify similarities and differences

conducts simple data investigations on the most popular government service among their peers or the school

explains the importance of making decisions democratically

poses questions and collects data from surveys about student preferences for government services


with support interprets and compares simple data displays

with support, conducts simple data investigations on the most popular government service among their peers or the school

with support, explains the importance of making decisions democratically

with direction, explains the importance of making decisions democratically


with direction, interprets and compares simple data displays

with direction, conducts simple data investigations on the most popular government service among their peers or the school

with support, poses questions and collects data about student preferences for government services

with direction, poses questions and collects some data about student preferences for government services

Activity 1 part 2

Achievement Standard




What students do

Students record and represent data in different formats

Students interpret data to identify and describe simple distributions

Students draw simple conclusions


clearly records and effectively represents a range of data in different formats

interprets a range of data to identify preferences for government services across different samples

draws and justifies with quantitative and qualitative evidence conclusions on which services the local government should provide


records and effectively represents data in different formats

interprets different data sets to identify preferences for government services across different samples

draws and justifies with evidence, conclusions on services the local government should provide


records and represents data in different formats, including

interprets date to identify identify preferences for government services

draws simple conclusions on services the local government should provide


records and represents aspects of data in different formats,

interprets aspects of data to identify preferences for government services

with support, draws simple conclusions on services the local government should provide


with support, records and represents aspects of data in different formats

with directions, interprets aspects of data to identify some identify preferences for government services

with direction, draws simple conclusions on services the local government should provide

Activity 3 part 1

Achievement Standard




What students do

Students understand how language can be used to express feelings and opinions on topics

Students understand how language features are used to link and sequence ideas

Students demonstrate understanding of grammar and choose vocabulary and punctuation appropriate to the purpose and context of their writing


uses considered language to effectively express feelings and opinions on topics

effectively uses a considered range of language features to link and sequence ideas and achieve coherence

demonstrates deep understanding of grammar and purposefully selects vocabulary and punctuation appropriate for the purpose and context


uses language to effectively express feelings and opinions on topics

effectively uses a range of language features to link and sequence ideas

demonstrates understanding of grammar and effectively selects of vocabulary and punctuation appropriate for the purpose and context


uses language to express feelings and opinions on topics

uses language features to link and sequence ideas

demonstrates understanding of grammar and selects vocabulary and punctuation appropriate for the purpose and context


uses language to express some feelings and opinions on topics

uses some language features to link or sequence ideas

demonstrates partial understanding of grammar and with guidance, selects vocabulary and punctuation to suit purpose and context


with support, uses language to express some feelings and opinions on topics

with direction, uses some language features to link and sequence ideas

demonstrates fragmented understanding of grammar and with direction, selects vocabulary and punctuation to suit purpose and audience

Activity 3 part 2

Achievement Standard



What students do

Students use knowledge of letter- sound relationships including consonant and vowel clusters and high- frequency words to spell words accurately

Students re- read and edit their writing, checking their work for appropriate vocabulary, structure and meaning


consistently spells familiar and unfamiliar words accurately by purposefully applying their extensive knowledge of letter- sound relationships and a range of other strategies

purposefully re-reads and checks their writing for appropriate vocabulary, structure and meaning


Consistently spells words accurately by effectively applying their knowledge of letter- sound relationships and other strategies

effectively re-reads and checks their writing for appropriate vocabulary, structure and meaning


use knowledge of letter- sound relationships including consonant and vowel clusters and high- frequency words to spell words accurately

re-reads and checks their writing for appropriate vocabulary, structure and meaning


use some knowledge of letter-sound relationships including consonant and vowel clusters and high- frequency words to spell familiar words accurately

with support, re-reads and checks their writing for appropriate vocabulary, structure and meaning


With support, spells high frequency words with some accuracy and approximates the spelling of other words

with direction, re-reads and checks their writing for appropriate vocabulary, structure and meaning

Activity 5 and 6

Achievement Standard



What students do

Students explain how and why people contribute to their communities

Students reflect on their learning to suggest individual action in response to an issue


provides a detailed and informed explanation of how and why they contribute to their community

reflects on their learning to make reasoned suggestions of individual action they could take to contribute to their local community


provides an informed explanation of how and why they contribute to their community

reflects on their learning to make informed suggestions of individual action they could take to contribute to their local community


explains how and why they contribute to their community

reflects on their learning to suggest individual action they could take to they could take to contribute to their local community


with support, explains how and why they contribute to their community

with support, reflects on their learning to suggest individual action they could take they could take to contribute to their local community


with direction, provides a brief explanation of how and why they contribute to their community

with direction, reflects learning to make reasoned suggestions of individual action they could take to contribute to their local community

Activity 6

Achievement Standard


What students do

Students contribute actively to class and group discussions, asking questions, providing useful feedback and making presentations*


purposefully contributes to group discussions by:

  • asking questions for clarification and to extend discussions
  • providing useful feedback to add to discussions
  • making effective presentations



effectively contributes to group discussions by:

  • asking thoughtful questions
  • providing useful feedback
  • making presentations



contributes to group discussions by:

  • asking questions
  • providing useful feedback
  • making presentations



contributes to group discussions by:

  • answering questions
  • providing feedback when asked
  • making presentations



responds to prompts to contribute to group discussions and makes short presentations

* Denotes that observations for student performance may be required

Activity 1, 3 and 6

Achievement Standard


What students do

Students communicate their ideas, findings and conclusions in oral, visual and written forms using simple discipline-specific terms


effectively and coherently communicates their conclusions and ideas in written and visual forms using relevant discipline- specific terms (e.g.majority, community wellbeing, consensus, democracy)


effectively communicates their conclusions and ideas in written and visual forms using relevant discipline- specific terms


communicates their conclusions and ideas in written and visual forms using simple discipline- specific terms (eg: local community, mayor, ratepayers, citizens)


unevenly communicates their ideas in written and visual forms using some simple discipline-specific terms


with direction, unevenly communicates their ideas in written and visual forms using some simple discipline-specific terms

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