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Optimise interactions through our self-service channels

Last updated 8 August 2021

Create better experiences, making self-service channels the preferred option for most clients and their agents

Future state

Our services are simple, helpful and respectful – they feel seamless and are tailored to the client.

We use what we know about our clients to personalise their service and give them confidence that they’re getting it right.

Our clients can self-serve end-to-end and trust that if we need something, we’ll let them know.

Deliverables to 2024

  • Deliver a new, creating personalised content and a better navigation and search experience, making it easier for clients and intermediaries to self-serve
  • Build new self-service options, enabling clients and intermediaries to interact digitally with the ATO end-to-end, including improved ways to communicate, transact and seek help, with most forms available online
  • Enhance support and education for clients and intermediaries to help them switch to self-service, including new online education products and telephony support for those who need help to transact online
