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07. Organisational capability

Last updated 8 August 2021

Our organisational capability is the combination of our people, culture, governance principles, processes, systems and knowledge.

Having a strong organisational capability ensures we can deliver on priorities for the government and the community, and quickly respond to opportunities and challenges in our environment. Our organisational capability will be enhanced to deliver on our strategic objectives for the period 2021–22 to 2024–25, ensuring we are well positioned to support the Australian community.

Table 5: Capability

Capability factors and our approach

Workforce: We are a high-performing workforce with a focus on integrity, the right culture, capability and tools to deliver the best client and staff experience

We will achieve this through deliberate investment in our workforce where our people have the skills, knowledge and attributes to meet current and emerging needs. Our culture and capability support resilience, client-focused thinking, leadership values and professional growth. We will continue to shape a flexible and dynamic workforce that works purposefully to deliver client services through collaborative and innovative work practices and workspaces. Our people exhibit high levels of integrity and accountability in their work, acting fairly and impartially to provide trust and confidence in the tax and superannuation systems. We will continue to embed diversity and inclusion strategies to build an inclusive workplace which promotes improved productivity, greater creativity and innovation, and reflects the Australian community.

ICT: Our technology and digital services deliver a reliable and contemporary client experience and keep pace with community expectations

We are a leading digital business, known for technology-enabled innovation, integrity and insight across the revenue ecosystem. We will continue to invest in our key technology services, while building the foundation for future capabilities.

Our technology delivers optimal, reliable, intuitive and contemporary business solutions – fostering trust and confidence in the tax and superannuation systems, providing exceptional client and staff experiences, and enabling a highly effective and efficient organisation.

We have a strong data and analytics capability that drives insights and actions, and optimises our contribution to government objectives for the benefit of the Australian community.

Investment: We strive for operational excellence to achieve efficiency and quality outcomes, and ensure our resources are aligned to our priorities

Our investments are managed strategically and systematically with a focus on benefits to ensure we deliver on our objectives and that value is realised. Our resourcing decisions reflect our contribution to government and we ensure effective investment in key priorities by:

  • enabling agility in the ATO workforce
  • building organisational capability aligned to our future directions and regulatory role
  • embedding robust, risk-appropriate practices
  • strategically managing our vendor engagement and their service delivery to the ATO
  • practising good governance and ethics focusing on quality improvement and identifying opportunities to increase our capacity.

