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Strategic objective C2

Last updated 8 August 2021

Table 9A: Latest performance results

Performance measure

Latest result

Performance target

Working together – partner perceptions of how the ATO is working together with them to administer the tax and superannuation systems


Equal to or better than the 2018–19 result (64/100)

Table 9B: Performance targets for 2022–23 to 2024–25

Performance measure

Performance target

Performance target

Performance target

Data sources

Working together – partner perceptions of how the ATO is working together with them to administer the tax and superannuation systems

Equal to or better than the 2018–19 result (64/100)

Equal to or better than the 2018–19 result (64/100)

Equal to or better than the 2018–19 result (64/100)

ATO partner survey
